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Slumdwellers get APL cards instead of Antyodaya benefits

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Indian Express 23.09.2009

Slumdwellers get APL cards instead of Antyodaya benefits

Slum dwellers and homeless beggars evacuated from their original settlements and shifted to new areas in Ahmedabad ‘no longer live below poverty line’, if their ration cards and government records are to be believed, which show belonging to the Above Poverty Line (APL) category.

Consider these: Shaligram and Jhumar Tayde are an old homeless beggar couple who live under a tree at Piplag in Ahmedabad, after they were driven out from Khodiyarnagar. But the government gave them an APL ration card.

Fatema Sheikh (85), a vagrant, homeless widow, sleeps beside a tea stall at night and begs in the day. She was shifted from Santoshnagar to Khodiyarnagar and then to Piplag. Despite being entitled for a card under the Antyodaya Ann Yojana (AAY), due to her extremely poor condition, she has an APL card.

They are not alone. Many of the 2,500 to 3,000 people relocated from Khodiyarnagar, Kankaria, Dhor Bazar, Danilimbda, Kalupur, Paldi, Gulbai Tekra, Mangal Talavdi and the Shah Alam slum areas are poorer after their re-settlement, but have been given only APL cards. The rest do not have any card.

Besides, at a time when the state government is moving towards Mobile Ration Cards for poor migrants, the slum dwellers evacuated to suit the city’s growth plans are refused ration at ration stores.

Constant shuffling denies these poor families foodgrains and other items available on ration rates. The Tayde family, for instance, makes around Rs 50 a day from begging and gets only kerosene with their APL card. Shaligram said: “My wife goes begging everyday and in the evening we manage a meal with whatever she earns. Before we were evacuated from Khodiyarnagar, we used to get ration with our BPL card. But now, with this APL card, we get only kerosene. Many a times we survive on leftovers dumped in the nearby areas.”

Many evacuees in Piplag have now left their traditional occupations to engage in manual labour. They earn about Rs 100 a day; have no pucca house, land, or other things which can qualify them for APL; but for the government they fall in the APL category.

Besides, the Antyodaya category meant for the poorest lot — widows, disabled, ones without family and others— are not issued AAY cards easily. Fatema Sheikh, who had applied for an AAY card, has been waiting for one for the last 15 years. She was asked to get a double stamp on the BPL card to come under the AAY category. But after she was shifted to Piplag, she was told she no longer belonged to the BPL category.

The state government records show 7,133 people in the AAY category, 78,722 in the BPL category and 218,811 in the APL category.

Explaining how their cards change, Mazhar Pathan from Gomtipur Chapra said: “We were first evacuated from Gulbai Tekra to Odhav and then to Sorainagar. We were denied ration at stores in Sorainagar and were asked to go to the old PDS store and fill a form for renewing the cards. We got a card six months after filling the form (sogandnamu), but when we went to use it, we were told that we have been shifted to the APL category and are entitled to get only kerosene.”

Many others driven out of their original hutments and shifted to other settlements have the same story to tell.

The situation worsens for evacuees as ration stores in new areas refuse to accept their new APL cards. Manecklal Navkar from Piplag said: “We travel thrice a week to Khodiyarnagar and others go to Danilimda or Behrampura, nearly 20 to 25 kms away, to get day-to-day commodities from ration stores. We are refused ration at stores in the neighborhood areas and are asked to go to PDS stores in our previous settlements. It costs us Rs 300 to 500 every month. Piplag, which is an industrial area, has no ration store anyway.”

Municipal Commissioner I P Gautam said he had no clue about this. “When we shifted them, we also got their ration stores transferred. But if the people are not getting ration from the stores, I will ask the Deputy Municipal Commissioner to look into the matter.”

Hareet Shukla, Collector, Ahmedabad, said he cannot comment on the discrepancies and only the Food and Supplies Department can fix the problem.

According to the Central government regulations, BPL families are entitled to 9 kg wheat, 3.5 kg rice, 1 kg sugar, and 10 litre kerosene.

Baburam Patel, a BPL card holder said, the ration stores give far less than the quantity fixed, and also refuse to give them the bills of purchase.

“Even with the BPL cards, we used to get only 7.5 kg wheat instead of 9 kg, 1 kg rice instead of 3.5 kg and 6 to 7 litre kerosene instead of the quantity allotted to us. When we demanded ration on the quantity fixed by the government we were threatened that we won’t get any.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 11:22

Mayor rejects hike in water tariff and taxation proposals

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Indian Express 23.09.2009

Mayor rejects hike in water tariff and taxation proposals

City Mayor Kamlesh has rejected the proposals to hike water tariffs and introduce metered connections to domestic consumers. The proposals prepared by the Municipal Corporation officials were submitted to the Mayor for approval. Following her rejection, the proposal will not be presented before the MC House scheduled to be held on September 25.

The Mayor, who had earlier expressed opposition to increase in House Tax and Property Tax, called a meeting of the Congress councillors on Tuesday to discuss the proposals. The councillors unanimously rejected the proposals, claiming they are unjust and not people-friendly.

Civic officials had earlier proposed that water tariffs be hiked by 100 per cent because the tariff has not been increased in a decade. As per the procedure, any agenda before being placed before the House has to be approved by the Mayor.

The issue of levying taxes and increasing tariff has always seen the officials and elected representatives at loggerheads, as the latter have always opposed fresh taxes.

Kamlesh said, “Officials had proposed to hike water tariff by 100 per cent, but this would be a very steep hike and hence not justified. We have rejected the proposal. The MC has enough surplus funds and we do not need to burden the residents.”

The Mayor also took the officials to residential colonies to show them that there has been no change in water supply over the years.

She suggested that before increasing tariffs or introducing meters, conditions in colonies be improved because the residents have frequently complained about receiving muddy water and lack of supply.

Municipal Commissioner Dr Roshan Sunkaria, in the House meet held last month, had asked the councillors to consider the increase in tariffs and levy taxes as this was a part of the reforms under the Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission. If reforms were not introduced, there might be problems in receiving further installments for various projects, he had said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 11:24

Battery-operated vehicles in Sector 17? MC to deliberate

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Indian Express 23.09.2009

Battery-operated vehicles in Sector 17? MC to deliberate

The Municipal Corporation is contemplating introducing battery-operated vehicles in Sector 17.

The proposal will be discussed in a meeting of the Finance and Contract Committee of the civic body to be held on Wednesday.

According to the proposal, thsee vehicles will ply within Sector 17 to transport visitors from one side of the sector to the other. The aim is to reduce congestion by lessening movement of vehicles within the sector and solve the parking problem. The eight-seater battery-operated vehicles will be brought from Pune.

In the meeting, the civic body will also discuss the issue of constructing new sheds at cremation grounds in the city. During a recent inspection of the Sector-25 cremation ground, it was found that the sheds were in dire need of repairs.

A decision on the reserve prices of several paid parking lots in Sector 17 to be auctioned will also be taken.

An estimate for extending the area under a parking lot in the sector will be presented in the House.

A policy on what is to be done if a contractor running a parking lot gives up on the job citing non-profitability will also be framed.

There is also a proposal to widen the V-5 roads in Sector 48.

The committee members, meanwhile, rued that agenda for the meeting was received on Tuesday evening, which did not leave them with much time to prepare for the discussion. The councillors have demanded several times that the agenda be sent a few days in advance.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 11:25

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