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India Newspapers

Piped gas: Price parity to be uphill task for VMC

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Indian Express 22.09.2009

Piped gas: Price parity to be uphill task for VMC

As the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) readies for a joint venture with GAIL to provide piped gas supply to the entire city, the pricing factor is likely to remain a major cause of concern for the officials at VMC’s Gas department. At present, there are over 74,000 residents who get piped gas supply from the VMC. Once the JV is formed, the existing supply of gas which is one lakh cubic metres will reach 4 lakh cubic metres and the number of customers is expected to rise to four lakh.

According to VMC officials, they are almost through with the discussions about forming the JV and the formal announcement would be made soon. However, bridging the price gap will be a Herculean task for them.

“We had expected this discrepancy right from the time we decided to provide piped cooking gas to the entire city. It was bound to happen as the earlier agreement with GAIL was done long back and pricing was based on the then market scenario. Now, the market rates are different and we will be buying gas at a higher price,” said a senior VMC official.

Another official said that in Vadodara, customers get the supply at the cheapest rates in the state. “Be it Ahmedabad or Surat, customers are paying almost Rs 15 per unit (one cubic metre), whereas in Vadodara, they pay Rs 7.90 per unit. Once the JV is formed, we would get gas at the new price. As per the old rates, the VMC purchases gas for Rs 5 per cubic metre and the new rates will be somewhere close to Rs 15. We would be working out a formula to streamline this parity,” added the official. Shailesh Naik, who is handling VMC’s Gas department, said, “Soon, we are going to sign the MoU, and at that time we would discuss the price factor.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 11:19

VMC finds banyan trees unfit for Banyan City, looks for open areas

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Indian Express 22.09.2009

VMC finds banyan trees unfit for Banyan City, looks for open areas

The Department of Forest and Environment may have mooted an ambitious plan to plant banyan tree across the city, but the civic body’s parks and garden department is not keen to encourage its plantation due to the lack of sufficient place.

Sources in the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) admitted that though the plantation of banyan trees is done, but only at a few selected locations. After the Forest and Environment principal secretary S K Nanda mooted a proposal to this effect, the VMC planted banyan tree saplings on a piece of land near Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited on the city outskirts.

“So far, we have planted about 5,000 banyan trees, which include some sites in the city area and also near GSFC. We are choosing the spots where the tree has better scope for growth instead of planting at a place where it would become a problem,” said V R Chikhalia, director, Parks and Garden department, VMC.

However, officials in the same department maintained that it is not possible to plant banyan trees in the city areas with the road traffic increasing rapidly. “Banyan tree needs a lot of space. Its roots work as the support system. We have observed that once we plant banyan tree it does not get sufficient space for growth, as a result of which these trees get uprooted during monsoon,” said an official seeking anonymity.

Another senior official at the VMC said a large number of banyan trees were uprooted during this year’s incessant rains, as the main trunk could not bear the weight of the tree.

“If we continue planting banyan trees indiscriminately, it would be inviting trouble in future because if the same trees cause accidents then we would be blamed for it. That is why we have decided to plant other trees in the areas where vehicular traffic is more,” added the official.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 11:14

MC wakes up to residents’ woes, starts road repairs

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Indian Express 22.09.2009

MC wakes up to residents’ woes, starts road repairs

After Chandigarh Newsline reported on the big potholes dotting Panchkula roads, the Municipal Council has done patch work as of now. While residents are relieved, MC claims the repair work would get completed in a week’s time.

“The condition of the road in the Swastik Vihar market in Mansa Devi Complex (MDC) is very bad. But with the Municipal Council having started the repair work, we expect some relief in the near future,” said Suman Verma, a resident of MDC. It was also added that while their several requests failed to move the council, it was after the matter was reported in the Newsline that the authorities woke up to the problem.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Sector-12 resident Rohit Batra, who said the repair work was long due. “Despite the fact that the council gets the repair and carpeting of road done in the city every few months, the quality of material used is so bad that the potholes appear after a bout of rain,” he said.

A senior official of the Municipal Council said, “While the problem of potholes has been a cause of worry for residents, we were waiting for the rainy season to end. The tenders were allotted a few months back, but we could not start the repair work. We have now started with the patch work in all the affected areas of the city.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 11:10

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