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Green buildings, need of the hour

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The Hindu 31.08.2009

Green buildings, need of the hour

Staff Reporter

Aggressive campaign should be launched to promote the concept: D. Purandeswari

Photo: C.V. Subrahmanyam

Handbook on green buildings being released by Finance Minister K. Rosaiah in Visakhapatnam on Sunday. AU Vice-Chancellor B. Satyanarayana, emeritus president of ISHRAE, seminar convener K. Leela Prasad, Union Minister of State for Union HRD D. Purandeswari, JNTU Vice-Chancellor Allam Appa Rao and VPT Chairman Ajeya Kallam are also seen. —

VISAKHAPATNAM: The importance of promoting green building concepts and evolving energy efficient practices was underscored at a seminar here on green building on Sunday.

The seminar was held at Andhra University Platinum Jubilee Guesthouse by the city branch of Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) with the support of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Union Minister of State for Human Resources Development D. Purandeswari said an aggressive campaign should be launched on promoting green buildings and green technologies in view of threats posed due to global warming and climate change.

She said sustainable environment was the need of the hour and pointed out how in the ancient time, people used to live in eco-friendly huts made with mud walls and thatched roofs.

She said the aim of green building practices was to reduce environmental degradation and described how in the United States, 22 lakh acres of green wetland was being created every year. Due to sensitisation and legislative measures, power consumption by the buildings had been reduced from 68 per cent of total power in 2002 to 40 percent in 2006. The water consumption had also come down drastically.

Ms. Purandeswari criticised the Kyoto Protocol and said India had a carbon dioxide emission of four per cent as against permissible limit of five per cent. India was also a role model in promoting green building concept and disclosed that as of now, a space of 275 million square feet had been created with green building concepts.

Handbook released

AP Minister for Finance K. Rosaiah, who released a handbook on green building said a green building would always give good health, ambience and satisfaction to its occupants. Allaying fears on green buildings that they were expensive and time-consuming, he said there was no truth in such assumptions. He said the people should be educated on multiple benefits of green building concepts and energy efficient practices. National president of ISHRAE M.P. Agarwal presided. AU Vice-Chancellor Beela Satyanarayana, JNTU (Kakinada) V-C Allam Appa Rao, Visakhapatnam Port Trust Chairman Ajeya Kallam and emiretus president of ISHRAE Prem C. Jain and others spoke. Event convener K. Leela Prasad proposed a vote of thanks.

Last Updated on Monday, 31 August 2009 01:28

MCD blames contractor for senior citizen’s death

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The Hindu 31.08.2009

MCD blames contractor for senior citizen’s death

Staff Reporter

NEW DELHI: The tragic death of 78-year-old Trilok Nath Makan after he fell into a pit dug up for installation of a streetlight pole in Malviya Nagar here has raised questions over the safety measures adopted by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi at such digging sites in the city.

According to MCD spokesperson Deep Mathur, the pit was dig up for erection of a streetlight on the central verge on Shivalik Road in Malviya Nagar and was part of the Commonwealth Games project for up-gradation of streetlights undertaken by a contractor on behalf of the civic body.

“As per the safety protocol, there should be proper barricading on all sides, warning sigh-board, coverage of pit with wooden planks and adequate lighting at such digging sites. But since none of them was in place in this case, prima facie it seems to be case of sheer negligence on the part of the contractor. A report will be submitted by MCD engineer-in-chief in three days and appropriate action as per rules would be taken against the contractors or the civic body official whoever is found guilty.”

Several residents allege that no such safety measures are actually put in place on the ground leaving scope for accidents.

According to S. N. Aggarwal, a resident of Kailash Hills in East of Kailash, the incidents points to a complete lack of sensitivity on part of the administration and the civic body. “It is the civic body’s duty to ensure that all pits are covered and warning sign boards put up near digging sites if the digging is on for a few days. Once such incidents happen some token measures such as an enquiry is ordered but the main problem of negligence remains unaddressed.”

Last Updated on Monday, 31 August 2009 01:20

City bus-stand to be opened soon

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The Hindu 31.08.2009

City bus-stand to be opened soon

Staff Correspondent

— Photo: M.A. Sriram

Finishing touches: Work on modernising the city bus-stand has been taken up under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

Mysore: The city bus stand that is being modernised under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) will be thrown open for the public on September 15. Even as the deadline is fast approaching, finishing touches are being given to the bus-stand.

“We are at it and making all possible efforts to complete the remaining work at the earliest to facilitate its opening by September 15,” said Divisional Controller M.N. Srinivas.

He told The Hindu that curing work is under progress and finishing touches are being given. Besides a subway connecting the road adjacent to the bus-stand to the terminus is also almost ready.

The modernisation of city bus-stand is part of the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation’s master plan to improve the city’s transport infrastructure. Besides the city bus-stand, under the JNNURM, mofussil bus stand is also being reconstructed and Inter-Model Transport Facility (IMTC) is also coming up at five locations in the city.

In the city bus-stop, five new platforms have been constructed. Drinking water kiosks, toilets, reservation counters, and other facilities will be provided.

Last Updated on Monday, 31 August 2009 01:15

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