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8-point plan to preserve natural resources

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The Hindu 26.08.2009

8-point plan to preserve natural resources

Special Correspondent

To serve as a code of conduct

Work on to develop a “hybrid rickshaw”

NEW DELHI: Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on Tuesday spoke of an eight-point programme of her government that would help preserve natural resources and also serve as a code of conduct for the citizens of Delhi.

Inaugurating a conference on “Climate change and relevance of new and renewable energy systems”, Ms. Dikshit said the programme would involve campaigns on “No to plastic bags, propagation of solar energy, water harvesting, recycling of water, segregation of waste management, car pooling, no to posters and conservation of water and power”.

Noting that climate change was impacting people across the globe, Ms. Dikshit said it was causing damage to standing crops besides resulting in depletion of natural resources such as water and forest.

She said her government had for the sake of protecting the environment introduced eco-friendly CNG for its fleet of public transport, expanded the Delhi Metro rail network, taken up massive forestation and introduced measures to conserve water, install waste water treatment plants and interceptor sewers, banned use of plastic bags, subsidised electric cars and solar water heating systems, brought in gas-based power plants in place of thermal plants, and established bio-diversity park and eco-clubs.

Delhi Chief Secretary Rakesh Mehta informed the gathering that the Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Combating Climate Change in Delhi was working on a project to develop a “hybrid rickshaw” with a capacity for eight to solve the problem of transport in city’s congested areas.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 August 2009 08:08

L-G outlines directions to tackle water-logging

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The Hindu 26.08.2009

L-G outlines directions to tackle water-logging


Staff Reporter

NEW DELHI: To address the problem of water-logging and traffic congestion in the Capital after every heavy downpour, Delhi’s L-G Tejendra Khanna chaired a meeting of all stakeholders on Tuesday.

The meeting was attended by senior officials of the Public Works Department, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi Municipal Council, Delhi Development Authority, Delhi Government and Delhi Traffic Police.

Mr. Khanna directed all stakeholders to come up with short-term measures within a week to address the water-logging problem. He also asked them to prepare a holistic long-term plan for strengthening the overall drainage system of Delhi and requested Engineering India Limited to co-ordinate the project.

The possibilities of recharging existing water bodies from the excess surface run-off from adjacent water-logged areas and maintenance of duty roaster for pump operators especially to clear water accumulated at underpasses during heavy rain was also emphasised by Mr. Khanna.

To improve traffic discipline in the Capital, the Lieutenant-Governor directed the Joint Commissioner (Traffic Police) to educate road users through the media. He suggested the possibility of starting a dedicated traffic police FM radio channel to issue traffic advisories to motorists in case of water-logging in the wake of heavy rain.

Further, he directed the traffic police to take up a pilot project to check the feasibility of installing solar-powered traffic signal system in Delhi.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 August 2009 08:03

Team to assess safety aspects in buildings

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The Hindu 26.08.2009

Team to assess safety aspects in buildings

Staff Correspondent

MANGALORE: After the recent fire accident at the “Trade Centre”, a multi-storey building here, the Mangalore City Corporation has now planned to form a team to survey buildings in the city and check if all safety norms have been complied with. It will be asked to suggest ways of making building owners adhere to safety measures.

However, the Nagarika Hitarakshana Samiti, a voluntary organisation, termed the plan a “big joke”, an “eye-wash” and an “attempt at covering up” the failure of officials and builders in maintaining safety aspects in buildings.

Commissioner of the corporation K.N. Vijayaprakash told The Hindu that Deputy Commissioner of Dakshina Kannada V. Ponnuraj convened a meeting recently to discuss the future course of action in this regard. In addition to officials from the Mangalore Urban Development Authority, the city corporation, and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, a few builders and architects, participated in the meeting. Following this meeting, the civic body decided on forming a team to survey the buildings, he said.

The Commissioner said that the survey team would comprise architects and builders, in addition to officials. It would recommend to the corporation and the district administration steps to ensure that safety aspects were taken care of by the owners of high-rise buildings. It would help the corporation in framing a policy and prescribing safety aspects in buildings, he said.

The Commissioner did not, however, clarify on the deadline, if any, fixed for completing the survey and for implementing it.

G. Hanumantha Kamath, president of the samiti, wanted to know if there was a need to constitute such a team. “It is just an eye-wash to show the people that the district administration has initiated some steps to check the safety aspects in buildings following the recent fire mishap.”

“Officials and builders are hands-in-glove in these matters,” he alleged.

“The safety issue would not have surfaced now if builders had followed fire safety norms during construction,” he said.

Mr. Kamath suggested that now the corporation should identify those high-rise buildings which had not adopted fire safety measures. Later, it should issue notices to those owners and make them adopt safety measures within three months. While issuing fresh licenses, builders should be told to adopt safety measures compulsorily, he said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 August 2009 07:53

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