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PMC to launch taxi services soon

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The Times of India 11.08.2009

PMC to launch taxi services soon

PATNA: Patnaites would soon be able to avail taxi services through the citizen grievance and redressal cell (CGRC) of Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC). The Corporation has invited proposals from taxi owners and travel agents for their empanellment in the CGRC.

The empanellment would be done after verification and then information regarding address, phone and mobile numbers of the empanelled taxis would be made available to the CGRC, calling which one would be able to get details of taxi service.

There are also plans to upload the information about taxi service at the websites of urban development department (http://urban.bih.nic.in) and PMC (http://www.patnanagarnigam.org).

"The CGRC would be in the role of facilitator and using its services residents can avail the taxi services of their choice," PMC commissioner K Senthil Kumar said. He said that information on web would be an additional channel of getting information about the taxi services available in the city.

The PMC would not play any role regarding fares and it has to be negotiated directly between the taxi owners and customers.

The corporation has not fixed any date as such to launch the service and it would be launched as soon as taxi owners and travel agencies are empanelled with the PMC.

The move assumes significance as at present there is no organized system of hiring taxis in Patna and one has to depend on personal contacts with taxi owners and travel agencies for hiring a taxi.

"One can rely on this service as PMC would empanel taxis only after proper verification," said Nisha Singh, a housewife, whose husband is in Merchant Navy and she has to remain alone with her son back in Patna for most part of the year.

The CGRC of PMC was launched in January this year with a view to providing different services like those of plumbers, carpenters, electricians, TV mechanics etc.

The cell at present has 54 such persons empanelled with it and around 10 calls from residents are received daily here for availing different kinds of services.

A dedicated Phone Number -- 0612-2911134 -- is there at the control room which works seven days a week from 6 am to 10 pm.

CMC against Hanakon thermal plant

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The Times of India 11.08.2009

CMC against Hanakon thermal plant

KARWAR: The members of the city municipal council (CMC) of Karwar, unanimously passed a resolution on Friday against the proposed thermal power project in Hanakon village. The meeting discussed creating awareness among the public against the usage of plastics. CMC president Ganapati Ulvekar explained the steps taken to discourage people from using plastic in the city limits due to the ill effect of plastic in the long run.

Another member, Prasad Karwarkar, said the people of Karwar are facing a bigger threat of the proposed Hanakon thermal power plant, that will produce ash and cause health hazards to the public. He said the thermal power project at Hanakon village is very close to Karwar and will be a bigger threat to the environment than plastic and urged the members to pass a resolution against the proposed power unit. Since the other members agreed with Karwarkar, a a resolution was passed against the power plant.

They asked the CMC commissioner to forward the resolution to the DC and government without delay.

PM for 'new deal' for urban street vendors

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Deccan Herald 11.08.2009

PM for 'new deal' for urban street vendors
New Delhi, Aug 10, PTI:

Seeking to give urban street vendors a ''new deal'', Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday asked state governments to take steps like devising norms for reserving space for them to earn their livelihood without any harassment.

In a letter to Chief Ministers, he asked them to take personal interest in implementing the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors 2009, which aims at ensuring that they are given due recognition at national, state and local levels.

The policy was aimed at enabling urban street vendors to pursue economic activity without harassment and earmark locations where such activity was to be carried out, he said.

The revised policy underscored the need for a legislative framework to enable them carry out an honest living without harassment from any quarter, he said, adding that a model bill has been drafted to protect livelihood of street vendors and regulate street vending.

The revised policy and model bill have already been forwarded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation to the states and union territories, Singh said in the letter.

The Prime Minister hoped that the states would take steps to "accord a new deal to the urban street vendors as a group who need space and facilities for their legitimate activities".

Seeking their "personal intervention", Singh urged the Chief Ministers to implement the revised policy and take proactive action to enact a legislation for enabling street vendors to do their trade without harassment.

The states could take steps to restructure master plan laws and city/local area plans to make them inclusive and address the requirements of space for street vending as an important urban activity, he said.

"Suitable spatial planning norms for reservation of space for street vendors in accordance with their current population and projected growth may be devised," he suggested.

States could use demarcations like 'Restriction-free Vending Zones', 'Restricted Vending Zones', 'No-vending Zones' and 'Mobile vending Areas' in every city and town, he said.

This could be done taking into account the natural propensity of street vendors to locate in certain places at certain times in response to patterns of demand for their goods and services or the formation of natural markets, traffic congestion and other factors in view, Singh said.

The States also could take steps for convergent delivery of various programmes like Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rojgar Yojana, Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, Prime Minister's Employment General Programme, Skill Development Initiative, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana and National Social Assistance Programme, he said.


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