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City lacks proper solid waste management

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Times of India 01.08.2009

City lacks proper solid waste management

JAIPUR: Pink City that vouch for becoming a world-class city lacks proper management of solid waste. Residents often complain of littered garbage in their neighbourhood and no system of proper door-to-door collection. Till date, Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) has completed one garbage transfer station at Jhalana out of five as planned under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

According to sources, the JMC has been struggling to find required land for the purpose. "One at Delhi bypass is about to be completed but what happened to other three transfer stations, we can not say," said D K Punia, an engineer with the JMC.
The project has been sanctioned under JNNURM.

"We have bought 94 containers for strengthening the secondary storage system, 9 dumper placers for lifting the containers to the dumpyard. Two working dumpyards are located in the city, one at Mathuradaspura, and the other at Sewapura. We are hopeful of getting land soon," said P C Khandelwal, the garage commissioner, JMC.

The project has already been delayed by two years and as an official told TOI that the JMC could not muster its 30% share in the project. Experts maintain that with all the transfer stations in the city operational and all the transport vehicles (garbage) fitted with the electronic chips the solid waste management would be efficient. "We are working towards creating a system through which the garbage in the city would be lifted by 9 am," added Khandelwal.

Over one hundred vehicles dedicated to solid waste management in the city will have Global Positioning Resource Satellite (GPRS) complied chip to track their movement in the city. In yet another case of official apathy, the project is yet to take off. The system would enable monitoring of garbage collection from different sites to the final destination that is the garbage recycling units at different places.

Evading the issue of a time frame by when it could be finally launched, Khandelwal claimed, "The entire project is to augment and fasten the efforts aimed at solid waste management, including their faster transportation to the designated dumpyard. Initially, the electronic chips will be introduced in 100 vehicles dedicated to the service of transporting garbage from the secondary stations to transfer stations, eventually to be dumped at the designated dumpyard in the city."

Narasimharajapura will be soon a Town Municipality’

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Deccan Herald 01.08.2009

Narasimharajapura will be soon a Town Municipality’

N R Pura,DH News Service:

The N R Pura Town Panchayat will be upgraded into Town Municipality soon in the backdrop of a circular by the government.

Earlier, Town Panchayats were upgraded into Town Municipalities only when the population exceeded 20,000. However, the government has changed the criteria and decided to upgrade all Town Panchayats located at taluk headquarters. If N R Pura was upgraded into Town Municipality, 6,367 population comprising 1,620 families in Hiluvalli, Indiranagar, Hale Cinemaraste, Suggappanamata, Housing Board Colony, Suragimata, Nagalapura, Janatha Colony, Yadadalu, Bastigadde, Menasuru, Bypass Road, Bagravani, Kamana Kodige, Malankar Church Road, Lingapur and BH Kaimara areas will be added to it. The annual sanction will be increased to Rs 3 crore from Rs 1 crore once it was upgraded.

Though infrastructure including underground drainage and roads will be developed after the upgradation, people are apprehensive about an increase in the revenue tariff.

All elected representatives will lose their power, when their respective gram panchayats were merged with the new municipality. Similarly, villagers will lose the opportunities to avail the benefits under the NREG Scheme. Meanwhile, sanctions from Centre will be increased considerably after the upgradation.

A proposal has already been sent to the government for the upgradation of Town Panchayat. The proposal will be published in the Karnataka Gazette and a decision will be taken by the government after verifying objections.

Town Panchayat President B S Ashish Kumar said that the town will be developed rapidly, if it was upgraded. Similarly, villages attached to the panchayat will also be developed, he added.


Criminal case against illegal water users

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Deccan Herald 01.08.2009

Mayor orders officials to identify all illegal connections within 10 days

Criminal case against illegal water users
Mangalore,DH News Service:

Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) has decided to file criminal and civil case against those who indulge in tapping water from 18 MGD pipeline illegally.

Addressing the general body meeting of the City Corporation held on Friday, members raised objection over the inefficient water supply and water scarcity haunting the city even during rainy season.

They said that before commissioning of ADB water supply project, the Corporation had managed to meet the water demand of the city using 18 MGD alone but now due to illegal connections made to provide water to rural area, meeting water demand in MCC limits has become a problem. Officials too agreed that over 40 per cent of 18 MGD water is illegally tapped to provide water to rural area. Responding to this, Mayor M Shanker Bhat said that 25 such illegal connections are suspected in the 18 MGD and illegal connections are espected to rise during rainy season. He ordered the officials concerned to identify all illegal connections within 10 days.

Members questioned the progress in ADB drinking water project and complained that though the KUDCEMP officials have been saying that the drinking water project has been completed, many areas have still not received water.

KUDCEMP official informed the House that 99 per cent works have been completed while linking works at certain areas are remaining. About 4 MGD water is being pumped to Padil on daily basis depending on the requirement for 8 to 10 hours using two pumps.
He further clarified that KUDCEMP officials are not responsible for operating the valves while it is to be done by MCC officials. This caused chaos in the House as members said that though ADB project will be soon handed over to MCC, there is no valve operator in place and certain aspects like who is going to operate the valves is still not clear.

Nirmala Nagara

Member Shantha Ravindra questioned the House about the purpose, function and progress of Nirmala Nagar unit existing in MCC.

She said that though it was started two years ago for conducting survey in MCC limits, nobody knows the status of the project. Further, Rs 2 lakh is spent every month for the payment of salary of employees in the unit.

Joint Commissioner M K Gadkar said that survey work in 54 wards have been completed while the entire project will be completed by December.

Member Mariamma Thomas said that concrete roads all over the city are in precarious condition reflecting the poor quality concrete works done. She alleged the Engineer of being partial while allocating SFC grant to some corporators. Endorsing her views, many other members too spoke of poor quality concrete works in their ward and demanded enquiry into the works.

The Mayor said that the concrete work is being done in the City like an ‘andholan’ and accordingly Deputy Commissioner had convened a meeting with the officials concerned and contractors and has asked the contractors to utilise the entire SFC grant of Rs 20 crore and Rs 50 crore fund by September.


Opposition Leader Harinath said that though huge hue and cry was made about hike in honourarium for Corporators, their hopes shattered like castle of cards on Thursday when Finance Secretary disapproved the proposal.
He said that they were hurt by the move of the Finance Secretary who hiked the Honourarium of former MLAs and MLAs many fold but disapproved the hike for corporators. The Mayor said that District-in-Charge Minister has still not lost hopes on it and he has assured to take up the matter again.

Rain compensation

During the beginning of the meet, the Mayor said that Rs 5 crore has been sanctioned for the district for providing rain damage compensation. Accordingly, an action plan has been prepared and sent to the Government.

Mariamma Thomas questioned the Mayor how the plan was sent to the Government without asking the members the extent of damages in their wards and their requirements.

The Mayor said that once the action plan is approved, the requirements of the wards will be taken up accordingly.


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