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Ward committees to be finalised next week: BBMP Commissioner

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The Hindu         12.06.2017    

Ward committees to be finalised next week: BBMP Commissioner

The one-month deadline given by HC to set up these committees ended in May

As citizen activists raise their pitch to get more people to enrol in ward committees, the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has said that the list for all 198 wards will be finalised next week. The one-month deadline given by the High Court of Karnataka to set up these committees ended in May.

With allegations that councillors are misusing powers to pick and choose people for the committees, BBMP Commissioner N. Manjunath Pasad said citizens can send in their nominations directly to him. In fact, activists had alleged that in many cases, councillors were thwarting nominations of residents who were more likely to question them. In addition, there are misgivings about the kind of work involved and the time they need to put in, they said.

The Palike had recently informed the High Court of Karnataka that ward committees have been constituted in 68 wards. Of these, around 27 have been functioning even before the High Court’s intervention. Kathyayini Chamraj from CIVIC Bangalore said, with the Commissioner enabling nominations to be filed through him, residents, who had hesitated to file their nominations fearing interference from councillors, could also now apply.

“It is necessary for serious-minded citizens to become part of it to break the nexus. Or else, people chosen by the councillors will hold constitutional positions,” she said. So far, various civic groups have managed to get 350 people nominated to the ward committees. A similar campaign to get more citizens to volunteer was held by the Citizens for Bengaluru (CfB) on Saturday as well. Srinivas Alavilli from CfB said, “We need 1,980 people to stand up and be counted as members of the 198 wards. However, a very few people signed up owing to a variety of reasons. This is an opportunity for people to get into governance.”


Water Board ready to spend Rs. 100 crore to provide water

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The Hindu        09.06.2017   

Water Board ready to spend Rs. 100 crore to provide water

Construction of silt chambers made mandatory

Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) is ready to spend even Rs. 100 crore to provide regular drinking piped water supply to un-served areas like slums in the core city, said Managing Director M. Dana Kishore.

At a meeting with his senior officials in the Board head office, he was surprised that there were many un-served areas and dependent on tankers supply. Henceforth, new water supply lines would be laid in such areas and tankers supply would be halted, he said on Wednesday.

Initially, alternate day supply would be started and in short span, the decision of the Government to provide daily water supply would also be started, he affirmed and called for reduction of supply through tankers in the coming six months as these should be for commercial purposes only.

Mr. Kishore was confident that regular complaints of pollution, sewerage overflows, chokages should be reduced drastically with the introduction of Jetting Machines (mini air-tech).

It would also bring down the operations and maintenance expenditure once the managers concerned chalk out a daily programme for using these machines in small lanes only and a log book should be maintained on movement of these vehicles.

The MD reiterated that construction of silt chambers was mandatory for new water supply/sewerage connections and wanted at least 40 silt chambers per month in each division.

And, those already constructed should be geo-tagged within a few days.


South corporation fleet to make west zone dump yard-free

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The Times of India       05.06.2017 

South corporation fleet to make west zone dump yard-free

| Jun 5, 2017, 03.37 AM IST
NEW DELHI: In a bid to make its west zone free of dhalaos, South Delhi Municipal Corporation launched a fleet of mobile transfer stations and auto tippers on Sunday.

The mobile transfer stations, flagged off by LG Anil Baijal, will be deployed across the zone, like in the central and south zones, under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to promote the 3R concept of reducing, recycling and reusing waste.

Baijal said the new infrastructure would result in a huge savings in the west zone in eight years. "Scientific collection, systematic segregation of garbage, compressed volume, dumping of less waste in landfills and scope for recycling will provide an excellent opportunity to SDMC to convert waste into wealth. This is, in fact, need of the hour," he said.

Corporation commissioner P K Goel said this was the first-ever project of collection and management of garbage compatible with Solid Waste Management Rules 2016. "The new set up will be able to practically enforce complete check over open dumping, burning of waste and waste spillage during transportation, and ensure that there is no manual handling of waste," said Goel.

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"The current infrastructure is less expensive than the earlier one and will result in the management of 2,700 MT per day compared to 1,700 MT earlier," he added.

SDMC will develop a bio-methanation plant in the next phase to curb landfill fires and encourage segregation of waste at source, said Goel.

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