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Rainwater harvesting pits a must in buildings in Vijayawada: VMC

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The New Indian Express    19.05.2017

Rainwater harvesting pits a must in buildings in Vijayawada: VMC

By Express News Service  |   Published: 19th May 2017 05:20 AM  |  

Last Updated: 19th May 2017 05:20 AM  |   A+A-   |  

Rainwater harvesting pits a must.

VIJAYAWADA: The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) has decided to refuse permission for new buildings in the city if the builders fail to construct rainwater harvesting pits. 

A decision in this regard was taken by the VMC officials after observing violation of the norm by many builders even after payment of the requisite fee to the municipal corporation.  

At the recent VMC council meeting, several ruling Telugu Desam corporators complained to Mayor Koneru Sreedhar that majority of the building owners in the city were ignoring construction of rainwater harvesting pits on building premises. 

The VMC council passed a resolution earlier  making inclusion of rainwater harvesting pits in the building plans in Vijayawada mandatory. The construction of rainwater water harvesting pits helps increase the groundwater table in the city.  After making it mandatory, the municipal corporation has given permissions for as many as 2,500 buildings in the city through online and earned a revenue of Rs 7 crore through collection of fee towards the construction of rainwater harvesting pits. 

According to the VMC town planning wing officials, the people can obtain building plan  approval by applying through online.  “A software will check the provision for rainwater harvesting pits in the building plan as soon as it is uploaded for permission. If there are any deviations from the town planning rules in the  building plan, it will be rejected. If the building plan meets all the parameters, including the rainwater harvesting pits, its approval is certain,” said a senior VMC official of the town planning department.

He admitted that due to busy work schedule of the town planning officials they could not strictly verify the inclusion of rainwater harvesting pits in the building plans in some areas of the city. A team of officials were deployed to conduct surprise checks across the city and initiate action against the builders who flouted the rules with regard to construction of rainwater harvesting pits, he added.


GHMC resorts to geotagging of government lands to curb encroachments

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The New Indian Express          20.05.2017  

GHMC resorts to geotagging of government lands to curb encroachments

By S Bachan Jeet Singh  |  Express News Service  |   Published: 20th May 2017 05:51 AM  |  

Last Updated: 20th May 2017 05:51 AM  |   A+A-   |  

HYDERABAD: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has drawn plans to keep a check against unscrupulous elements applying for building permissions online on encroached government lands with the help of geotagging.

The move is designed to protect water bodies and lands related to endowment, Wakf and urban land ceiling. GHMC will geotag the details of all the government lands in the twin cities with the help of Hyderabad district administration to have a clear idea about the ownership of the lands under GHMC. Rangareddy and Medchal districts have already geotagged all revenue land records data pertaining to their districts.

The main idea is that if persons, who apply for building permission online for government lands or in Full Tank Level (FTL) of water bodies, they can be caught when he files the survey numbers.

If the survey number matches with that of government land data geotagged in the system, they will get rejected. Geotagging would put an end to manual applications and having to attend offices. GHMC said that the move would stop land sharks. Land sharks would submit fake documents and bribes to town planning section had obtained building permissions on  government lands.

Since Oct 2016, GHMC has stopped accepting manual applications both for buildings and has put in place Online Building Approval System (DPMS). But separate data on lands concerned has not been uploaded or geotagged in the DPMS online system as it does not have properdata. Survey numbers are being sought from the district administration. 


Corp increases rent for Saidapet market, vendors irked

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The Times of India       23.05.2017  

Corp increases rent for Saidapet market, vendors irked

| May 23, 2017, 09.33 AM IST
Representative image
CHENNAI: The Greater Chennai Corporation has increased the rental rate for the Saidapet Abdul Razzak Vegetable Market irking its vendors. The market's vendors on Monday filed a complaint with commissioner D Karthikeyan against the increased rates.

Earlier in 2015, a Rs 9 crore-project was announced to transform the market, which is one of the oldest in the city, into a modern 2 storey structure inspired, by urban markets of Singapore. But the project was stalled as it is facing resistance from vendors who are worried about their relocation during the construction. Severe financial crunch in corporation also is a reason for the project not taking off.

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The Chennaits -- flat owners atleast are the lucky ones. Chennai City Corporation have not increased house tax for past 20 years ... as i remember... For the samr squre feet flat the house tax is a... Read MoreGopalarathnam Krishna Prasad

It was with the aim to increase overall revenue that officials recalibrated the rate from Rs 6 per sqft to the market value of Rs 40 per sqft. "If they had built the new structure and increased the rent, it would have been fair. But we are facing the same old problems in the market," said T Bhaskar, secretary of the market's association. "We want them to reduce the rent." Among the 300-odd vendors in the market, more than 50 are permanent.

However, revenue officials and local officers say they had a meeting with the vendors earlier in January and finalised the rates with their approval. "We researched the surrounding market rates, had a discussion with vendors and even reduced the rates on their request," said a senior corporation official. "We are only following rules that these rates have to be revised every 9 years." Officials also added that rental rates of all shopping complexes owned by corporation will be increased soon.

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