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NMMC removes concrete blocks around 4,000 trees

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The Hindu        03.05.2017    

NMMC removes concrete blocks around 4,000 trees

Breathing space:Concrete blocks around trees in other nodes in Navi Mumbai will be removed within 10 days.File Photo  

Law prohibits construction within one-metre radius of trees

Fearing a notice from the National Green Tribunal, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) has removed concrete structures within the one-metre radius of 4,000 trees on footpaths in eight nodes

Recorders from the city engineering department said as of April 28, around 4,000 trees between Vashi and Airoli were deconcretised. Concrete structures around trees in other nodes will be removed within 10 days.

Violation of NGT rules

Mohan Dagaonkar, City Engineer NMMC, “As National Green Tribunal rules prohibit construction within the one-metre radius of trees, we have started deconcretising trees on footpaths. The officials concerned in each ward have been asked to submit reports on completion of work. We have also left one-metre space around new saplings planted on stretches laid with paver blocks.” NGT guidelines state that a minimum area of 1.25 m x 1.25 m around the trees should not be cemented and roads should not be widened till the trunks of trees. Roots of trees planted on asphalted roads die gradually and increases the chances of trees toppling during a storm.

Arati Chauhan, a green activist from Nerul whose online petition drawing attention to the decreasing green cover in the city has been signed by 590 people, said, “It is heartening to see deconcretisation work has begun. Trees planted on roads are surrounded by tar and they should always be deconcretised.”


Incentives for kids at DDA sports complexes

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The Hindu        03.05.2017  

Incentives for kids at DDA sports complexes

School students allowed between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at one-third cost of entry fee

With summer vacations just around the corner, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is providing incentive schemes for students at its sports complexes.

“On producing their school identity card, school students will be permitted to use DDA sports complexes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at one-third cost of the entry fee,” said a DDA spokesperson.

Certificates needed

“Students excelling in sports, who have represented the State or above, will also be permitted to use facilities under the sports excellence quota,” he added.

Students who wish to make use of the sports excellence quota would have to apply to the secretary of the sports complexes along with certificates of participation and awards, if any.

“There’s 10% EWS quota for free sports coaching at the facilities. Candidates should apply along with EWS certificates issued by the competent authority to the secretary of DDA sports complexes for selection,” he said, adding that schools in the vicinity may also book sports facilities at DDA sports complex between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.


GHMC mulls CCTV to stop garbage dumping

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The Hindu       03.05.2017    

GHMC mulls CCTV to stop garbage dumping

GHMC spent Rs. 200 cr for procuring 2,000 Swachh Autos

To deter dumping of garbage in the open areas, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation plans to install CCTV cameras at all the 1,116 Garbage Vulnerable Points. The civic officials have written letters to the Hyderabad and Cyberabad police Commissioners to help them in maintaining vigilance and to keep the streets clean.

On Tuesday, Municipal Commissioner B. Janardhan Reddy held a review meeting with the higher officials of various wings of the GHMC for effective coordination to sort out sanitation and other civic issues.

The Commissioner directed the officials to crack the whip and remove Swachh Auto drivers from who were not performing their duties properly. The GHMC has spent Rs. 200 crore for procuring 2,000 Swachh Autos for segregation of garbage but it has come to notice that only 1,480 auto drivers are attending and transporting the garbage to the transfer stations.

The Commissioner instructed the officials to issue notices to drivers who were absent from duty for more than 10 days.

The officials were also told to coordinate with function hall managements so that their open plots can be used for composting. Steps to control open urination was one more issue that was discussed during the meeting.


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