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MCC is due a whopping Rs. 134 crore as water tax

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The Hindu       14.07.2016 

MCC is due a whopping Rs. 134 crore as water tax

Corporation will take up a drive to collect amount, taking police help if needed

More than 3,520 water connections were given to various commercial establishments in Mysuru and they owe thecivic body a total of Rs. 30 crore.— file photo
More than 3,520 water connections were given to various commercial establishments in Mysuru and they owe thecivic body a total of Rs. 30 crore.— file photo

Citizens, government offices, industries and commercial establishments in the city owe a total of Rs. 134 crore to the Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) as water tax.

MCC has now decided to take up a drive to collect dues from consumers. It has also resolved to stop supplying water to those who fail to pay at least part of their dues and regularise their connections. The civic body will take help from the police to do so in sensitive areas.

Mayor B.L. Bhyrappa and L.N. Anand, executive engineer, Vani Vilas Water Works, told The Hindu that there were over 1.59 lakh connections in 65 wards in the city. Of them, 1.39 lakh are active. They said domestic consumers have dues in the range of Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 5,000. MCC is due a total of Rs. 11 crore from them.

There are over 310 water connections given to industries, who owe a total of Rs. 7 crore. Similarly, over 3,520 connections were given to commercial establishments and they owe a total of Rs. 30 crore. Meanwhile, non-domestic consumers such as government offices, school and colleges owe Rs.16 crore. There are 6,258 such connections.

The mayor said MCC wanted to collect dues from citizens without burdening them, and hence is allowing the consumers to pay in instalments if their total due exceeds Rs. 5,000.

Similarly, he said, poor people who want to regularise their water connections (for a fee of Rs. 3,150) can pay in instalments of Rs. 500.

Mr. Anand said there are more than 30,000 unauthorised water connections in the city, a majority being in Narasimharaja constituency.


95% of complaints to NDMC app resolved

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The Hindu      13.07.2016  

95% of complaints to NDMC app resolved

Over 95 per cent of complaints lodged via the New Delhi Municipal Council’s smartphone app since its launch in March have been resolved, with sanitation issues being the most common grievances.

As of Tuesday, a total of 6,401 complaints about civic amenities and infrastructure had been registered through ‘NDMC 311’, an app available for Android and iOS phones.

NDMC chairperson Naresh Kumar said that the civic body was ramping up its citizen outreach initiatives, including adding new features to the app. On Monday, he said, an option to lodge dengue-related complaints was added to the app ahead of the rainy season when the vector-borne disease tends to spread.

So far, the local body has successfully resolved 6,108 complaints, with 2,005 of them being closed by the complainants themselves, said NDMC secretary Chanchal Yadav.

She added that complaints about garbage, debris and other sanitation issues were the most common, but there was a seasonal pattern.

For instance, right now there were more complaints asking for fumigation against mosquito breeding.

“The app has allowed us to address issues. In the beginning, we were getting complaints regarding manholes. After we addressed those, complaints about manholes have decreased,” said Ms. Yadav.

For each category of complaint, like electricity or broken roads, there are different deadlines for resolution. Most complaints are being resolved in the given time period.


Special Officer asks VMC staff to rise to the occasion

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The Hindu       13.07.2016  

Special Officer asks VMC staff to rise to the occasion

: Krishna Pushkaralu Special Officer B. Rajasekhar called upon staff of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation to be prepared to work round–the-clock during the river festival.

In a meeting held at the corporation office here on Tuesday, Mr. Rajasekhar along with Director of Municipal Administration K. Kanna Babuand Municipal Commissioner G. Veerapandian conducted a review meeting with officials of the Public Health and Engineering Departments.

Mr. Rajasekhar said that staff would be divided into teams based on seniority and skills to serve at the ghats. “Everyone should work hard and earn a good name for Vijayawada and should provide better services compared to that offered during Godavari Pushkaralu. Be prepared to work 24/7,” he said.

Mr. Kanna Babu directed officials to complete works in advance so that better facilities were provided to the pilgrims.

He asked municipal officials to ensure that all the roads were kept clean by the time pilgrims arrive in the city.

Sign boards

He also directed officials to put up sign boards at all parking lots and important road junctions depicting locations of important places where pilgrims need to go.

Rajasekhar says officials should be prepared to work 24/7 during

the mega event


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