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SDMC has just 2 staff to catch, shift monkeys

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The Hindu      22.01.2015    

SDMC has just 2 staff to catch, shift monkeys

Its two humans against hundreds of monkeys in South Delhi, with the local civic body relying on a couple of monkey-catchers to round up and relocate the simian population.

The South Delhi Municipal Corporation has just two people employed as monkey-catchers and zero vehicles dedicated for the job, a senior Veterinary Department official said. A total of 371 monkeys were caught by the civic body between April and November 2014, the official added. The monkeys were relocated to the forests of the Asola Bhatti mines.

Office-bearers in the BJP-led Corporation had said the streets of South Delhi would be cleared of stray animals before the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama. He will be travelling through SDMC area on his way from the airport to a hotel in Central Delhi.

Leader of the House Radhey Shyam Sharma had ordered officials to make sure that stray animals were off the streets before Mr. Obama’s visit for Republic Day. However, officials are saying that the civic body’s cattle vans are not adequate to catch all the stray cows, dogs and monkeys.

SDMC Leader of the Opposition Farhad Suri said: “Just because the U.S. President is visiting, the civic body went into overdrive and announced that it will move all the strays. But, there are only two monkey-catchers.”

The other municipal corporations do not fare better in the monkey-catching business. The North Delhi Municipal Corporation has three monkey-catchers and it caught 254 monkeys from April to October last year.


GHMC to build night shelters at four hospitals

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The Hindu      22.01.2015   

GHMC to build night shelters at four hospitals

The GHMC has initiated steps for building night shelters for patients and their attendants at four main hospitals of the city at a cost of Rs. 10.88 crore.

The night shelters would be coming up at Koti ENT Hospital, Niloufer Hospital, Osmania General Hospital and NIMS. The GHMC Special Officer and Commissioner, Somesh Kumar, on Wednesday issued orders for calling tenders to take up the work on these shelters, according to a press release.

Mr. Kumar also issued orders promoting 50 Class IV employees, who had required educational qualifications.


VMC officials told to issue acknowledgment to complainants

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The Hindu       22.01.2015    

VMC officials told to issue acknowledgment to complainants

VMC in-charge Commissioner G. Nagaraju asked officials to issue an acknowledgment for complainants received at 103 complaint cell.

An acknowledgment should be issued. Further, a confirmation should be obtained from the complainant after his/her complaint is addressed, he said, during a surprise inspection of different departments at the corporation office here on Wednesday. Complaints pertaining to different issues were lodged during the Circle 2 petitioners’ adalat on Wednesday.


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