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NMC plans biogas, biodiesel buses

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The Times of India       24.12.2014  

NMC plans biogas, biodiesel buses


NAGPUR: On the lines of ethanol, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has started the process to launch the nation's first biogas and biodiesel city buses. The two new biofuel buses will also be introduced on pilot basis in line with a concept mooted by city MP and union minister of road transport and highways Nitin Gadkari.

In association with Swedish-bus maker Scania Commercial Vehicles India Limited, NMC has successfully launched the pilot project of ethanol-run bus on August 22. It was the initiative of Gadkari to boost sugar industries, farmers, environment and also to reduce dependency on imported fuels to some extent.

Along similar lines, Gadkari had directed mayor Pravin Datke, municipal commissioner Shyam Wardhane and chairman of city transport committee Sudhir Raut to launch buses run totally on biogas and biodiesel.

"The plan is in very initial stage. The idea is to launch pilot project of all three biofuels — ethanol, biogas and biodiesel. NMC administration has started the process to prepare detailed project report. Experts like Urban Mass Transit Company (UMTC) or any private consultant will be roped in to prepare the report. Funds for procurement of buses is a major issue and talks are going on with the central government. The state government's contribution will also be taken," Datke said.

TOI had highlighted Gadkari's plan to set up a biogas plant at Bhandewadi dumping yard. Gadkari had directed the NMC administration to utilize methane being generated from treatment of solid waste and sewage water to produce the biogas. He had also revealed Scania's plan to set up a biogas plant.

Earlier too Gadkari had many times asked NMC office bearers and officials not to waste methane generated at Bhandewadi dumping yard. He went on to say that NMC office bearers and officials should run official vehicles on biogas generated from the dumping yard.

Scania is manufacturing and also operating buses run on biogas and biodiesel in foreign countries. NMC sources told TOI Scania is likely to bring buses run on biogas and biodiesel on the lines of ethanol. It even had plans to set up a biogas plant near Bengaluru in Karnataka.

Sources added that Wardhane is holding talks with UMTC and ministries of urban development and road transport and highways for launch of biogas and biodiesel buses. "Wardhane went to New Delhi on Tuesday in relation to the proposed project. NMC's City Transport Committee will take up the project once the concept is cleared," the sources said.

The city may hope to see all types of biofuel-run eco-friendly buses in coming days. Gadkari has already assured to approve additional buses to meet the city mobility plan target of 1,200 buses in city bus service. Currently, city bus service comprises 470 buses, of which hardly 210-220 are operational.


Waste segregation gains momentum

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The Times of India      24.12.2014   

Waste segregation gains momentum


MYSURU: Waste segregation is slowly gaining acceptance in the city. More than 3,000 households from wards 26, 27 and 28 have actively taken up the practice, according to V-LEAD Parissaraan and MCC officials who jointly conducted a door-to-door campaign on Wednesday. The campaigners stressed the importance of creating awareness about the value of segregating waste, as well as the responsibility that citizens had when it came to disposing of garbage.

Volunteers, V-LEAD Staff and MCC officials actively participated in campaign and distributed brochures stressing on the need to segregate waste as WET and DRY.

Residents said that they sincerely appreciated the work put in by waste collectors. Participating in the campaign, R Balasubramaniam, founder, SVYM, emphasized the importance of hygiene workers being properly outfitted with gloves, boots and masks in the interests of overall health and sanitation.

MCC officials including environmental engineer Myravathy, health inspectors Srikant Vibhuti and Kumbarkoppal, Recycling unit members, V-LEAD staffs including Manoj Sebastien, Bellegowda, RameshKikkeri and participated in an open house discussion on issues pertaining to sanitation and the need for better solutions. The session ended with the participants agreeing that segregation be made mandatory in households. MCC should impose fine against who throw wastes on roads, the participants said. 


MCC comes under fire over bylaw violation

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The Times of India        24.12.2014    

MCC comes under fire over bylaw violation


MYSURU: The Mysuru City Corporation administration came under attack from the corpoators cutting across party lines on Tuesday as the elected members questioned the official machinery over violation of building bylaws.

Angry members came down heavily on the officials seeking answers from them as to why they are silent on violation of building bylaws during the meeting of the Council. At the end of the heated debate, the MCC resolved to set up a committee to keep track of buildings in the city limits and to ensure that building bylaws are adhered to.

During the meeting, the members complained about construction of a multi-story apartment block at Nazarbad and asked why the MCC is silent even when the builder has violated the floor area ratio. Mysuru is a heritage city and has to protect its nature. But the officials are turning a blind eye towards such violations, they complained. They sought action against the officials concerned and also to book the builder.

Intervening in the debate, MCC commissioner C G Betsurmath said the builder was stopped from constructing additional floor but he has got a stay from the high court. Chamaraja MLA Vasu objected to it saying the legal team representing the civic body has failed to protect the interest of the public. Betsurmath, who is also heritage commissioner, said the urban body needs to amend bylaw which was enacted in 1996 to curb such cases.

Mayor R Lingappa announced that a committee will be constituted to focus on the issue.

The apex body approved the action plan to spend funds for the welfare of the special persons and dalits.

The members complained that the MCC has not properly utilized funds allocated for the welfare of the Dalits and physically challenged. In all, Rs 28.79 crore is available with the MCC for the purpose but is not utilized. 


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