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Civic body plans new ro-ro service

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The Times of India       12.09.2014

Civic body plans new ro-ro service


KOCHI: If you decide to travel by road, it takes a minimum 45 minutes to reach mainland Ernakulam from Fort Kochi or Mattancherry in west Kochi. But the ferry service, operating between these points, can take you to the city in 20 minutes.

With travelling through pothole-ridden and congested roads from west Kochi becoming a tiresome affair, there is public clamour to modernize and augment existing ferry services by introducing more roll-on roll-out (ro-ro) services that can transport both vehicles and passengers.

Currently, the state water transport department (SWTD) operates boat services connecting Ernakulam, Mattancherry, Fort Kochi and Vypeen islands. "When there is heavy traffic to the city, it takes over an hour to reach mainland from Fort Kochi by road. The SWTD do not operate modern and high-speed vessels. Since the boat service is becoming more popular, the Kochi corporation or the water transport authority should introduce more ro-ro services, which can carry both commuters and vehicles including cars and two-wheelers. This will considerably reduce the number of vehicles on the roads," said Fort Kochi councillor Antony Kureethara. He also said the corporation should operate it on a service basis and not with a profit motive.

The Cochin Port Trust is the only agency operating a ro-ro service, between Bolgatty and Willingdon Island to carry container trucks, in the backwaters now.

The corporation, meanwhile, operates a jankar service that can transport both vehicles and passengers between Fort Kochi and Vypeen islands. The service, run by private agencies, is not regular and a major issue in the area.

To improve connectivity, the corporation is now planning to introduce a ro-ro service between Fort Kochi and Vypeen islands. "We plan to introduce the ro-ro service connecting these two points as part of Mission Kochi 15-08-15 programme," said town planning committee chairman K J Sohan.

The corporation will soon start the tender process. The local body is planning to begin the service before March 2015. While the jankar can carry 12-15 vehicles such as cars and small trucks and about 50 two-wheelers, the ro-ro can carry up to 100 vehicles. "We will need to invest Rs 3 crore for a ro-ro boat," said an official.

Corporation officials are hoping to get the project funded by the German government-owned development bank, KFW, which has shown interest in developing the city's water transport system as part of Kochi Metro.



Govt to amend rules, allow property tax refund claims

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The Times of India      12.09.2014 

Govt to amend rules, allow property tax refund claims


GURGAON: The state government has decided to amend its property tax policy, which is good news for taxpayers who have paid in excess if one takes into account recent policy changes.

Officials said that since house tax policy has changed several times over the last few years, and with the latest change adopted in October 2013, the quantum of tax actually reduced, meaning tax payers had paid in excess.

"The house tax policy of the state has been changed a couple of times in the recent past and before the latest policy was announced in October 2013, some consumers were paying in excess. However, when the new policy was announced, some tax was reduced or rationalized and therefore some of the taxpayers have benefited," said P Raghavendra Rao, additional chief secretary to the government of Haryana.

"Some of them have been demanding that the excess amount that they have paid be refunded and since there was no such provision, we had to bring this amendment. According to this amendment, which has already come into effect, those owners who have paid more can now approach the municipal corporation and seek a refund. In case they do not wish to seek a refund the excess amount will automatically get adjusted against property tax for the year 2014-15," he said.

Rao, the principal secretary of the urban local bodies department, said while there might not be many in the residential category who would have been charged excess amount, there are many who might want to seek a refund in the institutional and commercial category.

"The tax amount in the residential sector is not much, but those in the commercial category would benefit as they pay lakhs of rupees as tax and they might want to seek a refund. The excess amount will be refunded to them without interest by the municipal corporation concerned," he said.


Civic body to bring new properties under tax net

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The Times of India        12.09.2014

Civic body to bring new properties under tax net


AURANGABAD: The Aurangabad Municipal Corporation is once again gearing up to launch a drive to identify new properties and step up tax recovery. The civic body, facing financial difficulties, has planned to deploy more manpower for the purpose.

Sources in the civic body said that the increased financial liabilities of the AMC had left no other option for it but to consolidate its revenue generation.

Ramesh Pawar, additional municipal commissioner, also said that the civic is looking forward to generate more revenue. "We have found that many properties in the city are remaining out of the tax net. Looking at the city's population and geographic area, the number of properties registered with the municipal body is quite less. It seems that there is enough scope for identifying new properties and brining then under tax net," he said.

The city has an estimated population of 12.5 lakh, while it covers nearly 152 square km area.

Pawar said that 1.91 lakh properties (commercial and residential) have been registered with the municipal body. "But it should be more than this. Municipal commissioner Prakash Mahajan has directed the authorities to make efforts to increase revenue. He has also agreed to provide additional manpower to the civic tax assessment department," he said.

Currently, the department has eight sub-overseers to take care of the entire city. Besides property assessment, these sub-overseers are also conducting surveys and resolving disputes. This ultimately affects the assessment process.

The AMC on Thursday claimed that it has identified nearly 10,000 new properties in the past two financial years and brought them under the ambit of property tax. In the current year, it has completed assessment of 2,221 new properties. The civic body is expecting additional revenue of Rs 5 to Rs 6 crore from new properties in the current financial year.

In 2012-13, the civic body had aimed to collect property tax of Rs 100 crore but the actual collection was only Rs 58.11 crore. In 2013-14, the AMC had collected about Rs 70 crore against the target of Rs 100 crore. In the current financial year, the AMC has set a target of Rs 130-140 crore, while the recovery till date stands at Rs 27 crore.

Increased financial liabilities

The Aurangabad Municipal Corporation has recently handed over two projects - water distribution and streetlights - to two private players. This has resulted in additional financial liabilities on the civic body. For the street light project, the AMC has to pay Rs 2.71 crore per month for a period of 10 years, while, for the water distribution projects, it has to shell out Rs 5.25 crore per month.

Apart from this, the civic body has to take care of its monthly expenditure, including Rs 11.87 crore on salaries and Rs 3.3 crore on repayment of loans and other routine expenses. In all, the AMC's monthly liability is Rs 25 to 28 crore but its revenue generation is less than Rs 25 crore (average based of last three months' collection).


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