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GIS mapping to help increase revenue in ULBs

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The Hindu       28.12.2017  

GIS mapping to help increase revenue in ULBs

Urban Local Bodies in the State eligible for grants under AMRUT

By bringing in under-assessed and unassessed properties into its purview with utilisation of satellite property mapping technology, the Department of Municipal Administration is expecting at least a 25% rise in property tax revenue this financial year in the 72 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) across Telangana.

Highlights and honours

Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration (CDMA) T.K. Sreedevi said on Wednesday that the increase in revenue would happen without increasing the tax rates. “This is being done without increasing the tax rates, but concentrating on the under-assessed and unassessed properties in municipal areas. We will utilise Geographic Information System (GIS) and satellite mapping technology to ensure all properties are assessed. Already, there was a 14% increase in tax collection amounting to Rs. 42 crore over the base rate so far,” she explained.

Highlighting the Department’s achievements over this year, she said that the Skoch medal was awarded for taking 23 municipal services online. “Land registry can now be done through satellite mapping, while complaint redressal and ease of doing business have been simplified,” she told a media briefing.

Ms. Sreedevi claimed that the emphasis on online services at citizen service centres across ULBs had eliminated the need for middlemen. This was aided by mobile applications like Citizen Buddy, she said.

She took pride in the fact that most ULBs are ready to be declared Open Defecation Free, according to the wishes of the Municipal Administration Minister K.T. Rama Rao and Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao. Construction of ‘She’ toilets and public toilets through the involvement of self-help groups paid dividends, the director added. “We had a brainstorming session with ULBs about our short-term and long-term priorities as an exercise before going ahead with implementation of plans," said Ms. Sreedevi.

Resource efficiency

Besides, ULBs were also provided the necessary expertise and guidance for reducing wasteful expenditure as well as energy saving. “Almost 3.35 lakh LED lights have been installed, converting it from conventional lightning in 36 ULBs. With another 20,000 street-lights to be retrofit, all ULBs would be equipped with energy efficient streetlights,” she quipped.

The CDMA said ULBs in the State had become eligible for grants under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme and the 14th Finance Commission due to adherence to audits and efficient financial performance coupled with service-level benchmarks, issuance of certificates and sanitation.

Skill development

The Department was equally focused on providing skill development training to the unemployed urban youth, she said. While emphasis would be on providing soft skills for the IT/ITES industries, it would also train youth to get jobs in the manufacturing sector.

In this light, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the National Small Scale Industries Corporation, said Ms. Sreedevi.

Also, making use of the Centre’s Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme, the CDMA has been trying to dovetail the banks and other financial institutions to provide loans and promote self housing for the low and middle income families with annual income up to Rs. 18 lakh, she concluded.

Emphasis on online services at citizen service centres across ULBs eliminated the need for middlemen. This was aided by mobile applications like Citizen Buddy.

T.K. Sreedevi

Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration


GHMC makes compost units mandatory

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The Hindu       27.12.2017

GHMC makes compost units mandatory

For establishments generating more than 50 kg waste daily

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has, on Tuesday, issued orders making it mandatory for hotels and restaurants in the city generating bulk waste, to establish a compost unit inside their premises.

Citing the Soli Waste Management Rules, 2016, issued by the union government, the corporation has asked the hotels and restaurants generating more than 50 kilograms of waste per day to set up compost units.

This will make the bulk generators responsible for waste segregation and storage of organic waste at source point. A compost unit may be set up in area ranging anywhere between 40 to 200 square yards, and does not require power, a press statement from GHMC said.

The Swachh bharat Mission, in its guidelines, mentioned the requirements for the units based on the size of the establishments, it said.

Recently, orders were issued by the Director, Municipal Administration, asking the all the municipal commissioners in Telangana State, including that of GHMC, to identify the bulk waste generators, and take necessary action.

They were also given instructions for collection of user charges towards recovering the cost.

In the order however, bulk generators are defined as users which generate over 100 kg of waste per day from a single premises. Majority of the big hotels, restaurants and function halls fall in that category, but few are complying with the norms.

The orders from the Municipal Administration directorate came in view of the Union government’s ‘Swachh Survekshan-2018’, which mandates certain documentation and implementation of reforms for scoring good marks.

Strict compliance

Previously, a circular too was issued with a slew of instructions for strict compliance with the regulations.

The circular asked the municipal commissioners to see that all bulk generators do waste segregation inside their premises, and have on-site processing units for the organic waste.

Voluntary declaration

Officials have informed that about 90 to 100 bulk waste generators including hotels, restaurants, function halls, big complexes, hospitals, and malls have been identified in GHMC limits, through voluntary declaration.


City to have more compost plants

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The Hindu        27.12.2017  

City to have more compost plants

New plant inaugurated at APIIC colony

The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation opened a vermicompost plant with 50 tonnes capacity at the APIIC Colony on Tuesday.

Vijayawada East MLA G. Rammohan Rao inaugurated the plant along with Mayor Koneru Sridhar, Municipal Commissioner J. Nivas and others.

Mr. Rao said the plant including the onsite compost unit could handle about 50 tonnes wet garbage generated in the nearby areas and de-compost it. He said the State government planned to setting up such plants in the rural areas.

Mr. Sridhar said garbage segregation was being done at the household level in many areas and the wet garbage dumped at the vermicompost plants. This would reduce the transportation burden on the civic body, he said.

Mr. Nivas said plans were afoot to set up similar plants at 11 locations and at all the rythu bazaars. He said each onsite waste compost machine costing Rs. 4 lakh could compost 200 tonnes of garbage per day if installed at strategic locations.

He said such initiatives of installing compost plants would also help the city get better ranking in Swacch Survekshan.


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