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HUDCO official to inspect GVMC works

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The Hindu        20.03.2014

HUDCO official to inspect GVMC works

HUDCO Chief Vigilance Officer P.R.K. Naidu will be visiting the city on March 21 to see the GVMC works that have been executed with its funding.

The GVMC has taken up four works under the JNNURM. The HUDCO has sanctioned Rs.150 crore and released Rs.70 crore so far. The funds have been used to take up STPs of 38 mld and 13 mld in One Town and Mudasarlova respectively, part of the BRTS corridor, and regularisation of storm water drain at Gangulagedda.


GVMC move to track movement of files

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The Hindu         20.03.2014

GVMC move to track movement of files

Special Correspondent

Aim is to track and act on them promptly

Bar-coding the way out:Commissionner M.V. Satyanarayana
Bar-coding the way out:Commissionner M.V. Satyanarayana

To track the movement of files and act promptly on them, the GVMC intends to introduce bar-coding of files.

From the moment the file is created on a subject by the employee concerned, a bar code is attached to it, the file is scanned, and the bar code enters the system.

From then on, at every level, including that of Additional Commissioners and the Commissioner, the procedure is repeated. While clearing the file too, it is followed.

Earlier, a file-tracking system was introduced. But at every level it had to be entered into the system. This led to complaints that it was as good as making entries for every file. In spite of the online tracking followed earlier, finding files proved to be difficult.

While one wing of the corporation maintained that the file had been handed over, the other wing countered it.

“To overcome this, bar-coding will be introduced and the Information Technology wing is working on creating the software required. Implementation process may begin in three weeks,” Municipal Commissioner M.V. Satyanarayana said on Wednesday.

Besides, a record room will be set up at the corporation with a modern compact filing system that can store large number of files.

Bills’ clearance

Delay in payment of bills to contractors has also led to repeated protests.

“Bills for works done used to take up to eight to nine months till about one-and-half years ago,” said Greater Visakha Municipal Contractors’ Association president R. Jagannadham. “Now, after repeated representations, it has come down to three to four months,” he said.

“But, EMD amount of Rs.15 crore for 4,000 to 5,000 works pending for a number of years is yet to be returned,” he complained.

The Municipal Commissioner said though the EMD amount was not much, it was leading to repeated complaints from contractors. Recently, an ‘EMD mela’ was organised and more than 2,000 applications were cleared, paying a total of Rs.60 lakh.

Help Desk

A Help Desk has been set up to help contractors submit their applications with a stamped receipt so as to clear them quickly.


Property Tax to be assessed from date of issuance of occupancy certificate

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The Hindu       20.03.2014

Property Tax to be assessed from date of issuance of occupancy certificate

GHMC will assess the property tax of a building from the date of issuance of the occupancy certificate, Commissioner Somesh Kumar on Wednesday told his senior officials including zonal and deputy commissioners.

The municipal corporation had issued 2,087 occupancy certificates to the buildings in the last three financial years, covering a total net area of 40,28,412 sq.ft. and directed officials to complete the verification and assessment of the buildings within the next two days. Further, teams from the head office will do the crosschecking.

GHMC has issued 542 no-objection certificates and hence, property should be assessed from the last two-and-a-half years. There are about 760 pending court cases involving Rs. 9,730.90 lakh and the GHMC wants every case to be handled carefully.

The head office can coordinate with departments like town planning, fire, vigilance & enforcement to clear the cases. Hand held devices too should be put to good use. The extra staff being deployed from other departments to collect tax arrears should be utilised to look into 2.02 lakh property tax payers with current amount and arrears minus interest of up to Rs. 347 crore. Each bill collector has been told to visit 30 tax payers daily and collect their phone numbers.


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