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'Litter-free Beach Road' campaign tobe launched

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The Times of India             12.02.2014

'Litter-free Beach Road' campaign tobe launched

VISAKHAPATNAM: Vuda along with the district administration, GVMC and the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (Intach) is taking up a beach cleaning campaign to make Beach Road litter-free.

Increasing the number of dustbins, signs declaring that the place is a litter-free zone, educating the vendors to prevent people from littering the place, making public announcements about keeping the beach litter-free using a pre-recorded addressing system, were among the measures discussed at a meeting chaired on Tuesday by Vuda vice-chairman N Yuvaraj.

Further, morning and evening walkers would also be asked to volunteer to advise the public to keep the place clean. Corporates and NGOs would be asked to provide more drinking water coolers along the stretch to minimise the use of plastic bottles and water packets, informed Intach member Sohan Hatangadi, who also focused on keeping the beaches plastic-free.

Intach convener PV Prasad and architects Narasimha Rao and Shabnam Patel were among those present.


Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation initiates action in cheque bounce cases

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The Times of India             12.02.2014

Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation initiates action in cheque bounce cases

VISAKHAPATNAM: Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) commissioner M V Satyanarayana on Tuesday visited the accounts department of the civic body and pulled up officials for failing to take action against taxpayers whose cheques have bounced regularly.

His tour of the department follows TOI report on Tuesday headlined "Bouncing cheques add to GVMC's tax collection woes." Satyanarayana instructed the accounts section staff, including financial advisor Prasada Rao, to immediately serve special notices on those whose cheques have bounced. He also directed the officials to initiate legal action if the taxpayers repeatedly indulged in the illegal practice of submitting dud cheques.

Satyanarayana instructed Rao to appoint senior assistant and junior accountant cadre staff of the accounts section as examiners of cheques for each authorized bank and tax collection counter of the GVMC. The appointed staff will be responsible for examining the cheques and collecting taxes from taxpayers whose cheques were returned unpaid, the civic chief said.

Accounts officers informed the commissioner that a total of 58 cheques to the tune of Rs 9,26,094 bounced from April to November, 2013 while 10 cheques worth Rs 1,81,913 were returned in December, 2013 alone. However, the number of cheque bounce cases was lower as compared to the last fiscal. In 2012-13, as many as 308 cheques worth a whopping Rs 96,50,530 were returned, the accounts officer replied.


New PMC chief to focus on waste management

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The Times of India             12.02.2014

New PMC chief to focus on waste management

PUNE: Vikas Deshmukh, the newly appointed commissioner of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), said on Tuesday that solid waste management would be the topmost priority of the administration during his tenure.

Deshmukh, who took charge on Tuesday morning, said, "A long-term solution is needed for the city's garbage problem. Small waste processing plants are the need of the hour. The civic administration has identified five sites in different parts of the city, where such plants will be set up. Plots ranging from two to five acres in area will be selected for the plants."

He said that the civic administration would also play a role in developing "village clusters" for garbage processing. It will join hands with the district collector's office, which is planning such clusters, where a few villages around the city can come together and start joint processing plants. Garbage generated in these villages can be collected and processed at these plants.

He added that the administration will identify abandoned stone quarries and use them as garbage dumping and processing sites. The administration has also appealed to farmers to collect segregated garbage and use it as compost in their farms.

Deshmukh said that getting water from the Bhama Askhed dam, anti-encroachment drives, water purification, resolving traffic issues and the metro rail project will be the administration's other priorities.

The PMC has identified locations for setting up garbage processing plants. The locations find a mention in the development plan.


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