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Take action against Kho-Kho coaches: Mayor

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The Pioneer                31.01.2014

Take action against Kho-Kho coaches: Mayor

Raipur Mayor Kiranmayi Nayak and State unit chief of Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee (sports wing) Gurmeet Dhanai on Thursday demanded that a female coach must be appointed in every sports association for the safety of female players.

The demand came in the wake of an alleged sexual harassment that was reported from Bhilai on Wednesday. Four female players of Kho-Kho team accused the coaches in Chhattisgarh Kho-Kho Association of sexually harassing them. They claimed coaches had been harassing them for over two years but it had become ‘intolerable’ since a fortnight.  According to police, a case has been registered against general secretary of the Association S Ramu, office bearers Jagbandhu Jena and Murli Reddy.

“We do not want that after this incident, parents get scared for safety of their daughters and discourage them for taking up a career in sports. Only a stern action against the culprits will do justice,” said Nayak.

They also demanded that the accused Kho-Kho association be either blacklisted or dissolved and strict punishment is meted out to Ram. “Sports Minister, Secretary and Director must take responsibility of this and resign from their posts on moral grounds,” said Dhanai. Taking a pot shot at Raman Singh-led BJP Government in the State, Dhanai said that besides a hat trick win in Assembly elections, Singh has also made a hat trick in ignoring issues troubling the sportsperson of the state, especially female.

Chhattisgarh is set to host National Games this year but the incident raises a question mark on the safety of women players in the state, let alone the guests sportspersons. Earlier too, players like Saba Anjum, Lata Sahu, Anita Shinde had faced safety issues in the state.  “If sportsperson are forced to fight this battle on their own without support from politicians, when are they supposed to focus on sports?” questioned Dhanai. The three office bearers of the Kho-Kho association have been accused of asking undue favours, making indecent advances and showing porn clips to the players.


MCD planning to install semi underground bins

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The Pioneer                31.01.2014

MCD planning to install semi underground bins

Instead of eradicating the existing flaws in the solid waste management project, the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) is fueling the current conflict with the Doon Valley Waste Management (DVWM) company by including another project which mainly deals with the installation of semi underground bins based on German technology into the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) funded SWM project.

According to the Mukhya Nagar Adhikari, Ashok Kumar, execution of the JNNURM funded SWM project is flawed has not turned to be very beneficial with respect to the sanitation arrangement. While disclosing few of its faults, Kumar said that around 65 dustbins of DVWM are still out of order and the company officials are hardly bothered to mend these which is affecting the sanitation level of the city. He informed that talks regarding installation of semi underground bins are still in initial stage and the officials are busy in cost analysis. Later the budget for the project would be finalised.

At first the project would be started in the form of pilot project and later would be implemented on large scale, added Kumar. He informed that recently a team of Urban Development department officials had visited Europe and observed the sanitation system used there including the latest semi underground bins, trucks and crane system used to collect and transport the waste. Based on same techniques semi underground bins would be installed here but after the completion of the ongoing analysis of the project, he said.

Replying to whether this project would act as hindrance in the SWM project, Kumar said, “We are in talks and would try to get funds for this project from JNNURM by making some sort of amendment in the MoU”. Generally, the semi underground containers are often used in the sub urban areas, highways as well as for the selected residential areas. Regardless of the container volume, only a small section of the outer container can be seen protruding about 90cm out of the ground and the maximum capacity of the bin is 2000kg.

The bins would be lifted by a collection truck mounted with a telescopic crane to empty the collected garbage. The MNA had recently discussed this project with a German company and would initiate work on it soon.


CMC seeks Rs14 cr annually for solid waste mgmt

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The Pioneer                31.01.2014

CMC seeks Rs14 cr annually for solid waste mgmt

The present annual grant of Rs 6.5 crore from the 13th Finance commission for solid waste management in Cuttack is highly inadequate and, therefore, the Cuttack Municipal Commission (CMC) on Thursday urged the State Finance Commission to increase the funds for the purpose.

At a meeting held here between the Fourth State Finance Commission and all the urban local bodies coming under the ten districts of central division, the CMC Commissioner made a plea to increase its annual allotment.

The 13th Finance Commission is now providing an annual grant of Rs 6.5 crore to the civic body for the solid waste management. “But we need at least Rs 18 crore for the purpose,” said the CMC Commissioner. He also pointed out that the civic body is now facing extreme financial crunch and the holding tax structure in the city has not been revised for last several years for which major developmental projects are suffering.

The meeting was held under the chairmanship of RDC PK Mehrda and attended, among others, by State Finance Commission Chairman Chinmaya Basu and Urban Department Project Director BK Mohapatra. The executive officers of all the urban bodies in the 10 district of the Central Revenue Division were also present.

The Finance Commission was also urged to make adequate fund provisions for eviction drive and setting up of vending zones, Kalyan Mandaps and town halls and parks in the urban local bodies.

The urban local bodies’ executive officers told the finance commissioner that developmental works in their respective areas are being severely hampered due to poor staff strength. They also pointed out that in many areas the civic body employees are underpaid.


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