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BMC to go soft on waste segregation

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The Times of India         19.09.2017  

BMC to go soft on waste segregation

MUMBAI: "The October 2 deadline for waste segregation stays in place but in case of bulk generators who are unable to treat their garbage, they will have to approach BMC and provide verifiable and plausible reasons on why they are unable to do so," said BMC commissioner Ajoy Mehta on Monday.

He added that if the reason was justifiable, such generators would get an extension not exceeding three months to comply with segregation norms. The concession was in response to pleas by councillors from across the city , who have received representations from their constituents seeking clarity and support on disposal of waste. As the rule stands, beginning October 2, BMC will not pick up wet waste from any building generating over 100 kg garbage a day or is spread over 20,000 sq metres. Dry waste will continue to be picked up from such addresses.

Opposition leader in the BMC, Congress corporator Ra vi Raja, said regardless of the rule, it was the BMC's duty to dispose of waste and they cannot be turning their back on it. "If the BMC refuses to pick up the wet waste it may go on piling up and will result in serious health issues for residents.Already the health of people in Mumbai is deteriorating, this will only worsen it," said Raja, adding that BMC levies taxes on citizens to pick up their waste and therefore it is binding on them to do so.

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BJP's party leader in the BMC also came out opposing the move. "As public representatives, we are being questioned but unfortunately we were not in the loop," said Manoj Kotak. He added that BMC's claim that waste generated daily in Mumbai has reduced 20% in the last four years was hard to digest. BMC has claimed that municipal waste is down to 7,700 tonnes per day from 9,400 tonnes per day in 2013. Samajwadi Party leader in BMC Rais Shaikh said the BMC should have "informed us about the decision so that we could give suggestions" instead of unilaterally issuing notices to housing societies which are bulk generators.

Shiv Sena leader in the BMC Yashwant Jadhav said the party felt slighted that neither it nor the mayor Vishwanath Mahadeshwar, who is from the Sena, had been informed of the move.


Storm water drains ineffective as rain leaves city under water

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The Hindu        18.09.2017  

Storm water drains ineffective as rain leaves city under water

Roadways turn waterways:Stadium Junction (left) and Mavoor Road (right), two main points in Kozhikode city where storm water drains were set up, were left inundated in the rain on Sunday.S. Ramesh KurupS_RAMESHKURUP  

Rs. 15-crore project was expected to solve problem of constant waterlogging in the heart of the city

The much hyped storm water drainage system set up in Kozhikode over a year ago seems to have had little effect, going by the flooding witnessed in the heart of the city, following heavy rain on Saturday and Sunday. Mavoor Road and Stadium Junction, two main points where storm water drains were set up, were left inundated in the rain.

Traffic hit

Traffic was disrupted across the city due to heavy rain and flooding. People were seen wading through water overflowing from drains.

The Rs. 15-crore storm water drain project was expected solve the constant waterlogging in the heart of the city.

Waterlogging in the mofussil bus stand junction has always been a headache for the Kozhikode Corporation and the traffic police for decades. The storm water drain project was executed specifically to solve this problem.

The 50-year-old drainage system in the city was unable to handle the volume of water during the monsoon. New pipelines, designed in consultation with the Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, with enough capacity to accommodate the water, were laid under the roads as part of the project.

Road work

It took the Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project (KSUDP) almost two years to dig up half of Mavoor Road and several other roads in the city to implant pipes that could carry the rainwater straight to Connolly Canal. The junction was partially blocked in April 2016 for almost a month to construct the connection between the separate pipelines.

The drainage system has been connected to the existing drain under the Nayanar Flyover so that water could be discharged into the Connolly Canal near Arayadathupalam.

Work on the storm water drain was completed by the end of 2016, but parts of the city continued to be flooded, during the onset of monsoon in June.

Mayor Thottathil Raveendran had clarified at the time that the corporation was in the process of clearing the silt from the drains and that it would be opened into the Connolly Canal the next day. “Soon the drain will be functional and there will be no more waterlogging on Mavoor Road,” the Mayor had said.

However, the situation continues to be the same three months later.


GHMC rules amended

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The Hindu      15.09.2017

GHMC rules amended

10 civil society members to be nominated to the area sabhas

The State government has, on Thursday, issued orders amending the GHMC Rules, 2010, pertaining to the constitution, conduct of meetings, powers and functions of ward committees and area sabhas, in a bid to strengthen the area sabhas.

As per the orders, 10 civil society members would be nominated to the area sabhas apart from the representative, five of whom should be woman voters from the ward. President or secretary of registered resident welfare association of the area, president or secretary of the slum-level federation of a slum from the area, or in absence of such federation, representative from the senior self-help group in the area, member of registered association or institution, body, organisation, mahila mandali, trade union or chamber of commerce, and self-employed person such as auto driver, hamali, street vendor, carpenter, electrician or plumber should be among the members.


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