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“Explain more to students to create interest in learning”

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The Hindu  20.10.2010

“Explain more to students to create interest in learning”

Staff Reporter

Tuticorin: The content enrichment programme was organised by Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA – Education to All) at Corporation Middle School here on Tuesday.

Inaugurating the programme, B. Bagavathi, Additional Chief Education Officer, SSA, said the upper primary level students should be encouraged to study through activity learning method with more facts. The resource persons highlighted the contents of Social Science and urged the teachers to promote ALM with a variety of material to convey the message accordingly.

Since the students were learning the historical facts of AD and BC without knowing its etymology, the teachers should explain about it to create more interest in learning.

The cyclical activities of time in clock, splitting of months and years in terms of academic relevance and geographical aspects involving rotation of the earth were demonstrated with diagrams on charts.

The Block Resource Teacher Educators numbering 165 attended the programme.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 October 2010 10:42