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Disaster management orientation in schools

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The Hindu 06.11.2009

Disaster management orientation in schools

Special Correspondent

COIMBATORE: Students, teachers and other staff members of the S.R.P. Ammani Ammal School of the Coimbatore Corporation at R.S. Puram went through an orientation programme recently on how to manage situations arising out of disasters such as an earthquake or a fire.

With substantial focus on earthquake as Coimbatore came under the moderate intensity (5.5 on the Richter Scale) category, the programme dealt with measures to minimise damage to lives and property in the event of a calamity.

A press release said that all the 85 schools were being covered under the School Disaster Management Programme. This was being held under the United Nations’ project for the reduction of risk from disasters in urban areas.

The orientation was to equip teachers, non-teaching staff and students with the knowledge on how to protect themselves from any threat to their lives from an earthquake.

United Nations’ Project Officer Sharon Sangeeta explained the objective of the programme. Director of Rescue Operation M. Franklin was the resource person who explained disaster management measures.

Mayor R. Venkatachalam, Corporation Commissioner Anshul Mishra, Deputy Mayor N. Karthik, officials and councillors of the Corporation were present at the orientation programme.

Last Updated on Friday, 06 November 2009 02:57