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Corporation schools told to increase admissions

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The Hindu 22.04.2010

Corporation schools told to increase admissions

Aloysius Xavier Lopez

CHENNAI: The summer vacation for students of Chennai Schools, run by Chennai Corporation, began on Tuesday. Yet, for the headmasters and teachers, official obligations this vacation are expected to be more demanding as the civic body has directed the schools to work towards increasing admissions.

In a related move, the Corporation also recently issued a circular stating that the procedure of issuing Transfer Certificates (TC) for its primary and middle school students is cancelled. The civic body has also asked the primary and middle schools to transfer students of Standard V and VIII to the next classes in nearby Chennai Schools. ‘Intake schools' have been identified for smooth transfer of such students.

This effort is expected to retain those students who would otherwise seek transfer to other schools. M. Vignesh, an eighth standard student of a Chennai Middle School said that his father had planned to admit him to a private school instead of transferring him to another Chennai School. “Our task of retaining such students will be challenging,” said a teacher. The Corporation has instructed Chennai Schools to display boards regarding admissions at the entrance. It has also asked schools not to restrict admissions.

The teachers have been instructed to organise special campaigns through local welfare associations for promoting school admissions. G.M.Lokesh, a student of Chennai Middle School Ramnagar, Triplicane said that he would disseminate information on the good facilities of Chennai Schools to his neighbours. The teachers would also have to convince parents on the benefits of joining Chennai Schools, a circular noted. “We are not giving transfer certificates to students. The parents can make use of the superior facilities of Chennai Schools,” said a headmaster of a Chennai Middle School.

Mayor M.Subramanian clarified that the Chennai Schools were trying to help the students belonging to the weaker sections. “If the parents insist on TC, the headmasters have to issue the certificates,” he said. This year admissions commenced on April 1 in order to increase enrolment.

Last Updated on Thursday, 22 April 2010 06:19