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Use of plastic banned in Mahabs

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The Deccan Chronicle  14.12.2010

Use of plastic banned in Mahabs

Dec. 13: The Unesco declared world heritage site Mahabalipuram would soon be rid of plastics less than 20 microns. The town panchayat has decided to impose a ban from February 10 next year.

As tourism is the mainstay activity here, the traders, hoteliers and vendors have agreed to use biodegradable products. According to sources, the Mahabalipuram town panchayat has been enthused over the overwhelming response from the public and stakeholders, at a meeting held in the town on December 9 to elicit public opinion over the ban on the use of plastics in the international tourist spot.

According to sources, the dumping of plastic cups and carry bags is becoming a problem to the town panchayat in disposing them and was also causing environment pollution besides posing risk to health. Realising the magnitude of the problem, a non-governmental organisation, Hand in Hand, mooted out the idea of enforcing a ban as has been done in Kanyakumari with tremendous success.

A team comprising the town panchayat councilors led by chairman Yashwant Rao and members from the NGO undertook a visit to the Land’s end on October 23 and 24 and studied the successful implementation, says C. Selvakumar, project director of Hand in Hand.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 05:52