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All town panchayats to go plastic-free by September 15

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The Hindu        31.07.2012

All town panchayats to go plastic-free by September 15

G. Srinivasan

In a major move, the Directorate of Town Panchayats has embarked upon a plastic eradication plan to declare all 529 town panchayats in the State plastic-free by September 15.

In a circular sent to Assistant Directors of Town Panchayats in the State, M. Chandrasekaran, Director of Town Panchayats, has detailed given an action plan to eradicate plastic in the town panchayats.

Mr. Chandrasekaran has asked the town panchayats to pass resolutions on July 16 to eradicate plastics below 40 microns thickness from their areas.He has also asked them to create awareness among small traders, street vendors and marriage hall owners to eradicate plastics by convening a meeting on July 23.

He asked them to make the women’s self-help groups in town panchayats to pass resolutions against use of plastic on July 30.Continuous monitoring on not using plastic below 40 microns will be done from August 16 to September 14.

On September 15, the town panchayats will be declared plastic-free.The Director has also asked the assistant directors to take to massive saplings plantation in the town panchayats.