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Madurai Corporation to act tough on plastic usage

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The Hindu     31.08.2012

Madurai Corporation to act tough on plastic usage

Staff Reporter

Madurai Corporation council on Thursday passed a resolution banning sale and usage of plastic products below 40 microns in the city with effect from September 1.

The resolution also banned commercial establishments from giving plastic carry bags above 40 microns to customers free of cost, in order to discourage the usage.

The resolution, which was unanimously passed without any discussion, said that plastic bags, cups and water bottles that were littered on roads led to choking of drainage channels and sewers, causing a health hazard as well.

“This is part of our plan to implement the project of garbage-free city 2012,” Mr. Chellappa said. The officials are now empowered to prevent sale and usage of plastic products.

The officials would seize banned products sold in shops or used by individuals. The violators would be imposed fine too. Any wholesale dealer found violating the ban order would be imposed a fine of Rs. 500.

The fine amount for retail sellers is Rs. 200, and for users it is Rs. 100.Banning free distribution of plastic carry bags below 40 microns, the resolution said that the bags should only be sold. Smaller bags (12 by 14 inches) should be sold for Re. 1, medium-size bags (16 by 20 inches) for Rs. 2 and bigger bags (22 by 30 inches) for Rs. 4.

Last Updated on Friday, 31 August 2012 04:44

No fines for violators of plastic ban

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The Times of India    30.08.2012

No fines for violators of plastic ban

COIMBATORE: The anti plastic drive of the city corporation is toothless at the moment as the civic body is not in a position to penalise violators who do not stick to the 40 micron base limit for plastic packaging materials.

The civic body is periodically sending its officials to various units, mainly petty shops and commercial outlets and plastic materials not adhering to the 40 micron rule are seized in bulk. But surprisingly, not even a single violator has been fined so far and the anti plastic drive ends with the officials walking away with the seized materials.

"We are planning to introduce stringent measures to fine violators. A resolution is expected to be passed in either the next council meeting or the one after that. Even though none of the violators have been penalised yet, the seizure of plastic materials is a good deterrent for them and they are less likely to violate the anti plastic rule," said SM Velusamy, mayor, Coimbatore corporation.

However, the ministry of environment and forest had amended the plastic handling rules in 2011 and had imposed a strict ban on the use of plastic materials below 40 microns. Coimbatore corporation officials had also started a major anti plastic drive with the seizure of plastic materials from commercial centres. The corporation had even warned residents and traders that strict measures will be taken including the imposition of a fine up to Rs one lakh and imprisonment if they violated the norms but no violator has been fined so far.

"The anti plastic drive will be further intensified in the coming days," said TK Ponnusamy, Commissioner, Coimbatore Corporation.

The civic body has so far collected 2200 kg of plastic items this year alone. The corporation had fixed penalty rates for violators when plastic weighing below 20 microns was banned. The rate for wholesalers was

Rs 2500, for retail traders Rs 750 and for individuals found using the materials the fine amount was Rs 100. These rates were fixed four years ago.

After the ministry of environment and forest had issued a notification in 2011 banning the use of plastic materials below 40 microns, the civic body was supposed to pass a council resolution and amend the penalty norms and upgrade the 20 micron norm to 40 as prescribed by the central government.
Last Updated on Thursday, 30 August 2012 10:33

Plastic items: surprise checks to continue

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The Hindu    27.08.2012

Plastic items: surprise checks to continue

Staff Reporter

The Coimbatore Corporation, in its fight against the use of plastic covers and products that are less than 40 microns, will continue to conduct surprise checks, Commissioner T.K. Ponnusamy said in a release.

He said the Corporation had initiated a special drive to check the use of the banned plastic products. In the past few days, the civic body had seized 615 kg plastic bags and thus far had seized 2,199 kg plastics. Further, in pursuit of banning plastics less than 40 microns, the civic body would seriously view violations and initiate action against those who manufacture and stock such products.For, plastics that were dumped choked drains and led to stagnation of sewage. It led to mosquito breeding.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 August 2012 05:32

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