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Town panchayats to say goodbye to plastic bags

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The Hindu   02.08.2012

Town panchayats to say goodbye to plastic bags

Serena Josephine. M

Meetings and awareness programmes planned

Town panchayats in and around Vaniyambadi might soon get rid of plastic bags less than 40 microns thick. The panchayats have set in motion the process to ban use of plastic in a phased manner and have been garnering support for their initiative from shop keepers, students and public through meetings and awareness programmes.

Following a meeting with officials of the Department of Town Panchayat at Vellore a few weeks ago, the town panchayats of Udayendram, Alangayam and Natrampalli have set the ball rolling to ban use of plastic bags less than 40 microns thick in their respective limits. They have been taking forward the ills of plastic to the public through awareness campaigns in the last few weeks.

“We had asked the town panchayats to convene meetings with shopkeepers to ban the use of plastic bags. The director of town panchayats has given instruction across the State stating that plastic bags less than 40 microns should be banned by September 15. We are taking steps to completely ban the use of plastic bags less than 40 microns. Stickers would be pasted on shops saying that plastic bags would not be used there,” Assistant Director of Town Panchayats, Vellore, Malayaman Thirumudikari said.

He said a bye-law has been brought in to fine persons, who disposed of plastics on the roads, after September 15.

“A resolution to this effect has been passed and the town panchayats have been asked to put it up on the notice board calling for any objections,” he added.

The town panchayats have been told to conduct awareness rallies, essay writing competitions for school students and other measures to take forward the message on ills of plastic use, he added.

At Udayendram town panchayat, steps have been taken to ban the use of plastic first and foremost in the panchayat office, said its chairman A. Selvaraj. “The office staff have been asked not to use plastic bags. A board will be put up at the office stating the ban on plastic bags. This way, people who come to the office will also become aware,” he added.

Next, the town panchayat plans to bring in the ban in government offices at Udayendram, followed by shops and hotels. “We held a meeting with shopkeepers in this regard. We will conduct awareness campaigns for the public,” he mentioned.

The Alangayam town panchayat has initiated steps to take forward the ill-effects of plastic to school students to encourage them to reduce the use of plastic. “They will in turn inform their parents. We are also covering shops and traders associations,” noted J. Manjula Kandan, chairperson of Alangayam town panchayat.

Roadside awareness campaigns and ward-by-ward campaigns have taken-off at the Natrampalli town panchayat limits. Its chairperson Saroja Chalam said, “A meeting with shop keepers and those running marriage halls was held. We have held a series of meetings for banning use of plastic in the panchayat limit. Women self-help groups have been educated in this regard.”

She pointed out that pamphlets explaining the ills of plastic use were distributed to the public.It contains information such as – plastics are non-biodegradable, plastic dumped on roads make the surroundings dirty and burning of plastic causes health problems. It also dissuades people from using plastic covers for packing hot food.

“Use of alternative products such as paper bags should be encouraged instead of plastic. We can reduce use of plastic in a phased manner,” she noted.

  •  Awareness rallies, essay writing competitions for school students planned
  • Pamphlets explaining the ills of plastic use were distributed to the public
Last Updated on Thursday, 02 August 2012 05:37

All town panchayats to go plastic-free by September 15

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The Hindu        31.07.2012

All town panchayats to go plastic-free by September 15

G. Srinivasan

In a major move, the Directorate of Town Panchayats has embarked upon a plastic eradication plan to declare all 529 town panchayats in the State plastic-free by September 15.

In a circular sent to Assistant Directors of Town Panchayats in the State, M. Chandrasekaran, Director of Town Panchayats, has detailed given an action plan to eradicate plastic in the town panchayats.

Mr. Chandrasekaran has asked the town panchayats to pass resolutions on July 16 to eradicate plastics below 40 microns thickness from their areas.He has also asked them to create awareness among small traders, street vendors and marriage hall owners to eradicate plastics by convening a meeting on July 23.

He asked them to make the women’s self-help groups in town panchayats to pass resolutions against use of plastic on July 30.Continuous monitoring on not using plastic below 40 microns will be done from August 16 to September 14.

On September 15, the town panchayats will be declared plastic-free.The Director has also asked the assistant directors to take to massive saplings plantation in the town panchayats.


Plastic seized

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The Hindu    28.07.2012

Plastic seized

 The Chennai Corporation has seized 18 tons of plastics worth 21.3 lakh from a shop at Kothavalchavadi on Friday. According to rules, plastic bags with less than 40 microns thickness are banned.


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