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Warning against use of motors to draw drinking water

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The Hindu        01.12.2011

Warning against use of motors to draw drinking water

Special Correspondent

The municipality will initiate serious action against those using motors to draw drinking water. It has also planned to catch stray animals to ensure public health in the wake of monsoon.

A release issued here on Wednesday said that the municipality has received complaints on the use of motors which had resulted in drastic reduction in the water supplied to tail-end residential areas. The release has appealed to residents to disconnect the motors. Authorities would conduct surprise checks and initiate serious action including seizure of the electric motors and imposing a fine of Rs.10,000.

The municipality has also taken steps to check the menace being caused by stray animals. Referring to the drive conducted twice in the last six months, the release said that 106 cows and bullocks were captured and a fine of Rs.47,700 was levied. The release warned that a similar drive would be launched shortly. A cow or bullock captured for the first time would be returned after the collection a fine of Rs. 450 per animal. The animals, caught for the second time, would be auctioned while action would be initiated against the owners.

P. Ashok Kumar, Municipal Commissioner has sought the cooperation of the public to ensure equitable distribution of drinking water, maintenance of public health and road safety.