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Chennai Corporation blacklists contractors delaying civic projects

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The Hindu              27.04.2013

Chennai Corporation blacklists contractors delaying civic projects

Staff Reporter

A few contractors, who have failed to begin civic infrastructure projects on time, have been blacklisted.

The Chennai Corporation, on Friday, passed a resolution to this effect. The contractors are mainly those who have not begun work on the mega city development projects in the Tondiarpet zone.

On December 28, 2012, the Corporation council had approved a Rs. 9.7-crore package for 24 projects. Most of these were for integrated road development. However, the contractors given these jobs did not begin work even 73 days after the issuance of work orders, Corporation officials said.

The mega city development mission includes improving civic infrastructure with a grid system of roads, more streetlights, street furniture, footpaths and improved stormwater drains. Under the first phase, a grid system was planned for all eight zones comprising the expanded areas of the Corporation.

A total of Rs. 333.27 crore was approved by the Corporation for implementation of the grid system covering 360 roads. Over 427 roads were covered in the second phase of the mega city development mission in all 15 zones of the city.