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Cumbum Municipality to tap solar power

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The Hindu                 02.05.2013

Cumbum Municipality to tap solar power

Staff Reporter

Rs.7.7 lakh to be spent for setting up plant

The Cumbum Municipality plans to tap solar energy on a large scale to trim its power bill. Initially, solar power would be provided to the municipal office, municipal maternity hospital and the municipal abattoir, said Chairman T.Shiva Kumar.

Presiding over a council meeting here on Tuesday evening, he said Rs.7.7 lakh would be spent on setting up a solar power plant for the municipal office and for its computer centre, and Rs.4 lakh would be spent on a solar plant for the maternity home and the municipal abattoir.

The chairman told the council that plans were under way and funds earmarked for installing CCTV network in the municipal administrative office and the Cumbum bus stand.

The municipality had started fixing CFL bulbs on streets to reduce expenses on electricity, the Chairman added.

The disruption in the supply of drinking water was raised by K.Saraswathi, councillor of the seventh ward.

The Chairman said the damage caused to the pipeline was the prime reason for the erratic water supply. Old pipes connecting the pumping station and the supply tank should be replaced with new ones, he added.

A.S.Parthiban, 29th ward councillor, suggested the municipality reactivate a well dug on the Periyar river bed.