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Pre-moonsoon preparatory works begin in earnest

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Deccan Chronicle             01.08.2013

Pre-moonsoon preparatory works begin in earnest

Chennai: Chennai corporation has begun its pre-monsoon renovation work. 
The civic body, which has taken up stormwater drain and road restoration, will convene a high-level meeting next week, involving the heads of about 30 government departments including metro water, PWD, city poli­ce, fire and rescue ser­v­ice, fisheries, and the meteorological department.
The management of flood and rescue operations will be discussed, Mayor Said­ai S. Duraisamy said.
During the previous DMK regime, the ann­ual pre-monsoon meetings were conducted only during Sept­ember and October. Through 2008 to 2011, all rain-related meetings were held just ahead of the nort­heast monsoon, resulting in  waterlogging. 
The corporation has therefore advanced the meeting and pre-monsoon wor­ks like the desilting of drains and repair of battered roads, would start soon after the south west monsoon, the mayor said.
The meeting will focus on the low-lying areas and suburbs that were recently annexed and area-level teams will be formed. 
Prog­ress on the desilting will be monitored and the providing of logistical support will be examined, such as the positioning of motor pumps on bridges and subways, the formation of a tree removal squad and evacuation arrangements at mid-day meal centres and community halls, sources said.