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Chennai Corporation notaries come under scanner

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Deccan Chronicle              20.08.2013

Chennai Corporation notaries come under scanner

ChennaiThe notaries in Ripon Buildings will be soon regularised and Chennai corporation will ensure that public are not fleeced.

The corporation will monitor the functioning of notaries. So far, there has been no regularised procedure for notaries certifying affidavits  after receiving money from people. “We came to know that a few lawyers collect up to Rs 500 from public for certifying affidavit and this has to be curbed,” a top brass at the corporation said.

With this objective, the civic body will be regulating the activity with recognised notaries. “The public will be getting affidavit at nominal rates of Rs 10 or Rs 15. And the affidavits will be issued a day after it is submitted unlike now, where the notaries issue it immediately after collecting a huge sum,” the highly placed sources added.

“The  document verifications will be made and a genuine affidavits will be issued. The notaries will also be provided permanent centres where they can be contacted,” sources added.