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Civic body gears up for monsoon

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The Hindu              11.09.2013

Civic body gears up for monsoon

Pollution:Sewage mixed with rainwater and stagnated on Trichy Main Road, in Salem after a recent spell of rain.- PHOTO: P. GOUTHAM
Pollution:Sewage mixed with rainwater and stagnated on Trichy Main Road, in Salem after a recent spell of rain.- PHOTO: P. GOUTHAM

With monsoon expected to be severe for the next few weeks, the City Municipal Corporation has charted out contingency plans to cope with any situation.

Outlining the measures, Corporation Commissioner M. Ashokan told The Hindu that flood-prone areas in the Corporation limits have been identified, special teams formed for rescue operations and rescue centres kept ready.

He said that in order to prevent choking of drains, desilting of major channels is under progress and is expected to be completed soon. The civic body has procured power saw machines to chop fallen trees, emergency lamps and essential gadgets to face the monsoon, he added.

The civic body has also identified private generator operators, pump set owners and coracle service operators besides getting ready rescue vehicles and earthmovers.

Also bleaching powder, disinfection powders, doctors team and medicines were ready, to meet emergency needs that might arise in the days ahead.

He added that officials of Tangedco, TWAD, Tourism and other departments have been asked to cooperate with the civic body during monsoon season.

Officials said that in spite of preventive measures taken during last monsoon, dengue was reported in many of the corporation areas and hence conservancy workers had been instructed to carry out fogging and anti-dengue operations effectively.

They were also asked to take steps to clear water stagnation if found in houses and on roads.

“Special teams have studied the service deficiencies in the last monsoon season and charted out plans so that it does not occur during the current season,” they added.