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Corporation tests flyover diversions

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Deccan Chronicle           07.10.2013 

Corporation tests flyover diversions

Chennai: Chennai Corporation will begin its repair works of the Kodambakkam flyover to facilitate traffic which has already been partially blocked in the area. The bridge was blocked from usage by the public on a trial basis on Sunday morning with the traffic diverted ahead of the renovation.

“We blocked both ends of the bridge and tested the alternative ways for traffic flow for around four hours. The rerouting is yet to get approval from the commissioner,” said a police official. “The work may commence in a week’s time and this would benefit the public at large. The Kodamb­a­k­k­am flyover is one of the oldest constructed bridges in the city and surely requires renovation,” the official added.

“The pavements on the bridge have always been a nightmare for me as they are battered,” said S. Moha­m­med Azhar, who frequents the area. “Now the repairs would bring great respite to pedestrians,” he added. 

“Right now, renovation works are going on under the flyover to strengthen it. Soon the works on the flyover road would begin and might go on at least for two months,” said a corporation field official. “But we will make sure that the works are carried out fast and the flyover becomes available for public as soon as possible,” he added.

“I was glad to see policemen guiding us on the alternate routes patiently,” said S. Ramesh, a resident of Kodamakkam. “They behaved gently and explained about the diversion even when they had to manage a lot of vehicles,” he added.