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Notices served on unauthorised buildings

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The Hindu             19.11.2013

Notices served on unauthorised buildings

Staff Reporter

The Kodaikanal Municipality has started serving notices on unauthorised buildings within the municipal limit on Monday.

Presiding over a special meeting held at the RDO office to discuss follow-up action, Revenue Divisional Officer Ramasamy ordered demolition of unauthorised buildings, if the owners failed to respond to the notices.

When the municipal officials informed about shortage of staff, the RDO said the municipal officials should expedite the preparation of the list of unauthorised buildings.

The officials said they could not trace the addresses of the owners of many buildings to serve the notices. Mr.Ramsamy asked the VAO to find the addresses through spot verification.

Many buildings were constructed in Kodaikanal union without proper approval and electricity connections had been given, they alleged.

If the officials could not trace the owners of buildings under construction, the municipality could serve notices on the contractors and engineers who were engaged in the construction of such buildings.

The Collector had formed a 14-member committee led by the RDO to check illegal construction of buildings.