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Notice issued to 115 government offices over water tax dues

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The Hindu            20.11.2013 

Notice issued to 115 government offices over water tax dues

Staff Reporter

The officials of Nagercoil municipality have issued notice to as many as 115 Government offices for not paying water tax on Tuesday.

According to sources, there are around 33,665 tap connections in Nagercoil town. The water tax arrear was around Rs1.75 crore. Of that, 237 persons, including 115 government buildings, had a huge backlog as they had failed to remit water tax for the last 15 years.

The arrears for some of the defaulters range from Rs.1,000 to Rs.3 lakh.

Seeing no other options, the officials have started disconnecting the water connection in the government buildings.

They have disconnected seven connections and as others have sought times, they have been asked to remit the tax at the earliest.

The municipal officials said that in the first phase they have started disconnecting water connections in government buildings and in the second phase, house connections would be disconnected for not paying water tax.

For the benefit of the consumers additional counters have been opened to pay the water tax in the municipality. Even during Saturdays, the defaulters could remit the water tax.

Hence, the officials have appealed to the defaulters to make use of this opportunity and pay the taxes.

The municipal officials have also started taking stringent measures to collect property tax from houses, government buildings, commercial establishments etc.

It has come to light that property taxes are pending for as many as 78,877 buildings, including houses, shopping complexes and commercial establishments.

Arrears for some of the defaulters range from Rs.1,000 to Rs.3 lakh.