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Drinking water connections severed

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The Hindu             29.01.2014 

Drinking water connections severed

Special Correspondent

Corporation officials have started disconnecting the drinking water connections to properties for which tax arrears have not been cleared.

In a statement, Assistant Commissioner of Palayamkottai Zone, S. Perumal said the Corporation has prepared a list of defaulters who have not paid the tax towards drinking water, vacant land, profession, underground drainage and rent for corporation shops. The drinking water connections to these properties would be disconnected.

When officials conducted the raid on Tuesday at Darling Nagar, Rahmath Nagar, Kaariyanayanar Street and V.M. Chathram, 14 drinking water connections were cut-off as per the instructions from K.P. Jai Xavier, Commissioner (In-Charge).

As the drive will continue against the defaulters, the public should pay the taxes payable to the Corporation without further delay, Mr. Perumal said.