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General Administration

Steps to clear encroachments

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The Hindu               28.05.2013

Steps to clear encroachments

Special Correspondent

The corporation will take immediate steps for the removal of encroachments from the public places within the city limits, said A. Jaya, Mayor. She was responding to the petitions received from the public at the grievances day meeting on Monday, which pertain to the encroachments, poor condition of the city roads, and proper maintenance of public toilets and streetlights. The Mayor directed the officials to replace streetlights that are not working, and to take action on the petitions received on the occasion.


Chennai: Hotels to lose trade licence if they dump irresponsibly

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The Times of India              27.05.2013 

Chennai: Hotels to lose trade licence if they dump irresponsibly

CHENNAI: In its effort to keep the city's streets free of dirt, the Corporation of Chennai has adopted a new strategy. 'Stay clean or clear out,' it is telling shops and restaurants. Eateries that do not dispose their garbage properly risk losing their trade licence.

During inspections of waste clearing operations, corporation officials found commercial enterprises to be the main offenders when it comes to dumping garbage on street corners and pavements. "This is especially the case in south Chennai," said a senior corporation official.

"Restaurants dump garbage on street corners or in a garbage bin meant for residents. As a result, garbage overflows and is strewn on the street," said the official.

He said that a few smaller eateries dump their garbage on the pavement. This is despite corporation officials instructing eateries to pack garbage and hand it over to conservancy workers.

The corporation has decided to crack the whip on eateries and restaurants that do not maintain the roads and pavements in front of their establishments. "Customers may drop a cup or a packet on the road while eating. The owner of the eatery should make sure there is no trash on the pavement," said an official.

The corporation has also decided to impose a fine. "We will levy fines of 1,000 and above the first two times. If a restaurant's entrance is found dirty for the third time, its trade licence might be cancelled," said another corporation official. Ramky Enviro Engineering which is responsible for clearing garbage in Adyar, Kodambakkam and Teynampet has also said that its nemesis is food stall owners.


Corporation warning on birth, death certificates

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The Hindu              27.05.2013

Corporation warning on birth, death certificates

Staff Reporter

Corporation warning

The Corporation has warned people not to depend on touts for getting birth and death certificates and asked them to directly approach the corporation office or the zonal offices.

A release from Commissioner M. Ashokan said that people could submit the application with required documents to the above mentioned offices and could receive the certificates within three days through registered post. Hence, they need not depend on touts and get cheated.

The release said that a few certificates were found to be fake as people had obtained it through touts. The release said that touts had been banned inside the premises and the issue had been reported to the police.


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