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“Disabled-friendly mobile toilets will be procured”

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The Hindu 06.05.2010

“Disabled-friendly mobile toilets will be procured”

Special Correspondent

Hard going: A physically challenged person makes his way to the mobile toilet installed on the Chennai Corporation premises on Wednesday.

CHENNAI: Chennai Corporation's camp for the differently abled on Wednesday ended up attracting more people than expected. Although the camp was specially meant for some segments such as the speech impaired, dwarfs and persons with elephant foot, a large number of those with physically disabilities also participated.

While the civic body paid attention to minor details such as having an interpreter for the benefit of persons with hearing impairment, it did not address the needs of the physically challenged.

Since the mobile toilet unit with 12 cubicles installed specifically for the camp lacked hand rails, persons with physical disability had great difficulty using the toilets.

Employees of the civic body said there was a toilet for the physically challenged behind the main building. When contacted, a senior Corporation official told The Hindu the Corporation would make efforts to procure disabled-friendly mobile toilets.

1,413 applications

The Department for Welfare of Differently Abled Persons received 1,413 applications under various categories during the day-long camp. A total of 513 persons received on-the-spot financial assistance and 65 applications were received for Rs. 1-lakh loan under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Scheme.

The fund would enable such persons to set up businesses of their own, said A. Joseph Xavier, District Disabled Rehabilitation Officer. Nearly 400 persons received identity cards during the camp and 18 persons who had registered with the Employment Exchange for the stipulated period of one year were identified as eligible for unemployment assistance.

A health camp that included otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists and orthopaedists was also conducted. De-worming tablets were distributed. “The scheme has been organised to sensitise the differently abled to the various schemes,”Mayor M. Subramanian said, inaugurating the camp.

Last Updated on Thursday, 06 May 2010 07:30