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Bids soon for Chennai storm water drains

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The Business Line 29.07.2009

Bids soon for Chennai storm water drains

M Ramesh

Chennai, July 28 The Corporation of Chennai expects to float tenders for the Rs 830-crore project for the construction of storm water drains for 12 watershed areas in Chennai.

Tenders are out for consultancy (‘third-party quality assurance and quality control services’) for the project, which is to receive funding under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

This, of course, is for the Corporation’s part of the project. The other part will be taken up by the Public Works Department.

The total outlay for the project is about Rs 1,400 crore.

Water logging

The Corporation Commissioner, Mr Rajesh Lakhoni, told Business Line on Tuesday that upon completion of the project, Chennai city would be rid of water logging during the rains.

Further, the flows through the major drains will also improve. He said the project would be completed in about two-and-a-half years from now.

The project includes purging of silt and construction of RCC side walls for the 16 main arterial drains flowing within limits of the Corporation.

Quality assurance

“In order to ensure good quality of construction and improving efficiency, it is proposed to provide third-party quality assurance through an independent agency, thereby, assisting the Corporation of Chennai in ensuring good quality of construction for the works being taken up by Corporation of Chennai,” says the tender document.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 July 2009 12:35