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Garbage dumped on roadsides being burnt

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The Hindu      14.06.2010

Garbage dumped on roadsides being burnt

Staff Reporter


Common sight:Burning of garbage at many places in Erode poses serious threat to health.

ERODE: The burning of garbage is no longer confined to the dump yards.

Heaps of rotting garbage found on the roadsides are also being set afire these days, thanks to the Erode Corporation and the four municipalities, which had grossly failed to implement a proper solid waste management system and ensure regular waste collection.

Garbage collection and disposal remains tardy in almost all the parts coming under Erode Corporation and Soorampatti, Veerappanchatram, Kasipalayam and Periyasemur municipalities.

As waste remains uncollected for weeks together, the Corporation and municipal workers have resorted to burning garbage dumped on the roadsides. In a few places, people were forced to burn the garbage as the civic workers were not turning up regularly for cleaning. “The rotting garbage poses serious threat to human health. We have complained to the civic officials on several occasions. But they did not respond to our pleas. So, people here are forced to set the waste afire,” a senior citizen in Soorampatti said.

On Saturday, a few persons set a heap of plastic waste and used tyres dumped near Veerappampalayam Pirivu. “Thick cloud of smoke engulfed the area making life miserable for us,” a shopkeeper said.

“A foul smell is emanating due to the burning of garbage. The smoke causes breathing problems particularly for the aged and children, besides those suffering from respiratory diseases,” said residents of nearby colonies.

The Erode town generates over 120 tonnes of garbage including large amount of plastic and polythene waste every day.

As the existing dump yard at Vendipalayam is overflowing, the Corporation finds it difficult to ensure regular cleaning in the streets. Similarly the dump yards of four municipalities are also overflowing.

People urged the Erode Corporation and the four municipalities to initiate immediate steps to implement the solid waste management system and ensure door-to-door collection of garbage.

Last Updated on Monday, 14 June 2010 07:47