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Corporation sends advisory to schools

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The Hindu 28.08.2009

Corporation sends advisory to schools

Ramya Kannan

Instructions have been sent to schools


Toilets must have free flow of water, and sufficient liquid soap and tissues

Triple Layer Masks can be kept in stock in school vehicles, when a child has a rough cough or cold

CHENNAI: Chennai Corporation’s Health Department has written to the managements of all city schools listing a set of precautions they ought to take to prevent the rampant spread of the A(H1N1) virus during the monsoon season.

With a number of children from various city schools being admitted to the Communicable Diseases Hospital (CDH) after tested positive for the A(H1N1) virus, the civic body thought it fit to inform all schools of the protocols to be followed within the school. Health Officer P. Kuganantham told The Hindu that the spurt in the number of cases among school children was an issue that could not be ignored. “Nearly every school in the city has reported a case. What we have to do is to ensure that the spread is controlled,” he explained.

These guidelines have been issued under provisions of the Tamilnadu Public Health Act 1939, and Guidelines of Grant in Aid Code of the Education department for the issuance of School Sanitation Certificates, he added.

The first instruction is to detect and immediately refer children who have symptoms for testing.

Once positive, the student should be referred for treatment and isolated. The other instruction relate to promoting general hygiene in schools in order to keep the students healthy.

Toilets must have free flow of water, and sufficient liquid soap and tissues; school buses and vans must avoid over crowding and be cleaned everyday to avoid cross infections. Triple Layer Masks can be kept in stock in these vehicles in case a child board the bus with a rough cough or cold.

Filtered, boiled, warm drinking water with disposable paper cups should be provided on campus and as well as a first aid kit with basic essential drugs and equipment on all the floors of the school building.

Dr. Kuganantham has also suggested that dedicated nurses be available during school hours and a doctor be made available every day for a period of three hours.

Filters of the air conditioners must be cleaned and disinfected once a month. For the use with a throat infection, mouth wash (salt + warm water) should be made available at all the wash basins and toilets.

These instructions have also been illustrated on posters and pamphlets and sent to schools with instructions to display them prominently. Teachers and students should be oriented on these aspects, Dr. Kuganantham added.

Last Updated on Friday, 28 August 2009 04:40