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H1N1: Corpn wants doctors, nurses in schools

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The Times of India 28.08.2009

H1N1: Corpn wants doctors, nurses in schools

CHENNAI: With more than 50% of A (H1N1) patients being students, Chennai Corporation has sent a circular of fresh guidelines to schools. The letter sent on Thursday calls for several mandatory provisions in schools including a doctor, nurse and a quarantine facility. The schools should provide safe drinking water, disposable paper cups, soap solutions, tissue paper, salt and warm water for gargling in bathrooms. Filters of air conditioners should be cleaned and disinfected once a month.

The directive to the schools has been sent from the office of the corporation health officer Dr P Kuganantham under the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Public Health Act 1939 and Guidelines of Grant in Aid Code of the Tamil Nadu Education Department for Sanitation Certificate. As per the provisions of the Act, the civic authorities can even order closure of schools for lack of satisfactory implementation of the guidelines.

The schools should have isolation wards for students and staff who show symptoms of H1N1 flu. Nurses should be available throughout the day. A doctor should visit the school at least three hours a day to screen and advise children. The guidelines also suggest weekly classes on health, personal hygiene, lifestyle modification and nutrition, besides having daily physical education periods.

School vans have also come under the scrutiny. "There should be no overcrowding in buses or vans to avoid cross infections. The schools should also stock masks in these vehicles. We have also asked for parent- teachers meeting once in three months with local health authorities," said Dr Kuganantham.

"It's an effort we are taking to bring standards for general hygiene is schools. We have given educational pamphlets and posters to be displayed in schools. These measures prevent not just H1N1 but even the seasonal flu," said corporation commissioner Rajesh Lakhoni.