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Check-ups find 3,500 students partially blind

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Deccan Chronicle        13.01.2011

Check-ups find 3,500 students partially blind

January 13th, 2011

Jan. 12: The Chennai corporation conducted eye check-ups for over 61,000 students from 188 corporation schools in the last one-year and found that more than 3,500 students suffered from partial blindness.

As per the instructions of the Palli Sirar Kannoli Kaapom scheme, all the affected students would be provided with spectacles and provided treatment to regain clear vision.

Speaking at the inauguration of a corporation eye clinic in Egmore on Wednesday, Mayor M. Subramaniam said that in the last four years, the civic body had opened 50 hospitals and 3 lakh persons benefited from 136 medical camps that were conducted in the city.

With the objective that schoolchildren should not lag in studies due to blurred vision, the civic body has conducted eye check ups for over 7.5 lakh from various government schools. “In the past few years 31,000 students have benefited from the ‘Palli Sirar Kannoli Kaapom’ scheme. We have distributed spectacles to students of a Chennai government higher secondary school in Rotler Street,” the mayor said.