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Interface with Corporation Commissioner on Saturday

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The Hindu      02.02.2011

Interface with Corporation Commissioner on Saturday

Special Correspondent

To be conducted at Chamber Towers on Avanashi Road

Views on solid waste management in the city are coming in from the public in the run-up to the interface The Hindu and the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Coimbatore, will conduct on February 5 (Saturday) for the public with Coimbatore Corporation Anshul Mishra on “Clean Coimbatore: Government- Citizens' Role”. It will be held at Chamber Towers on Avanashi Road at 6 p.m.

This is the second of a seriesof interactive sessions that The Hindu and the Chamber of Commerce being held under the ‘Glow Coimbatore' initiative to highlight the needs of Coimbatore and ways to develop it.

The general public, representatives of the residents' welfare associations, non-Governmental organisations involved in solid waste management drives and any other organisation/ institution can interact with the Commissioner on measures to turn the city clean.

The discussion will be on the Corporation's solid waste management scheme, the people's expectations from it and also the role they have to play in ensuring a litter-free city. More questions/ suggestions can be mailed to reachthehindu@gmail.com till noon on February 5.

The mail should contain the names of the individual and organisation, address and phone number.

  • Questions/ suggestions can be mailed to reachthehindu@gmail.com till noon on February 5
  • Mail should contain the names of the individual and organisation, address and phone number