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Mass cleaning programme revived

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The Hindu 10.09.2009

Mass cleaning programme revived


Staff Reporter

“Preference to long-standing sanitary issue”

— Photo: A. Shaikmohideen

Sprucing up: Mass cleaning programme being inaugurated in Palayamkottai on Wednesday.

TIRUNELVELI: To further fine-tune its cleaning operations in the areas under the jurisdiction of the corporation, the civic body revived its mass cleaning programme on Wednesday by mobilising the entire conservancy workforce in three wards of the corporation.

Even as the solid waste management programme of the corporation is going on smoothly for the past couple of years, cleaning of garbage within the city has been affected due to paucity of manpower.

However, the local body tides over the situation by mobilising the existing workforce in a particular ward on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to clean the garbage.

Minister for Environment, Youth Welfare and Sports T.P.M. Maideen Khan and Deputy Mayor K. Muthuramalingam inaugurated the mass cleaning activities at Maharaja Nagar (ward 19) in Palayamkottai. Similarly garbage cleaning was conducted at wards 1 in Thatchanallur Zone and 11 in Palayamkottai Zone also.

“As per this arrangement, 80 sanitary workers will be sent to each ward with adequate number of lorries and other vehicles to remove the garbage collected during the mass cleaning activities. Preference will be given to cleaning of drainage channels, removal of plastic waste and other long-standing sanitary issues,” said Executive Engineer, Tirunelveli Corporation, Narayanan Nair.

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 September 2009 00:47