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“Clean drainage channels”

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The Hindu                            27.02.2013

“Clean drainage channels”

Special Correspondent 

Demanding cleaning of drainage channels in their area and garbage, a group of residents from Thirumalai Street in Manakaavalanpillai Nagar here submitted a petition to Mayor Vijila Sathyananth during the weekly grievance day meeting on Tuesday.

The petitioners said the drainage channels in their area had not been cleaned for the past several weeks and hence the stagnating sewage was spreading foul odour, besides causing diseases to the children.

Hence, the drainage channels should be desilted immediately and concrete slabs provided to cover the sewage channels so as to prevent children from falling into them.

The petitioners were pacified with the assurance that cleaning operation at Thirumalai Street would commence shortly.

Another group of people from Karaiyiruppu submitted a petition seeking better basic infrastructure, including public toilets, streetlights and regular supply of drinking water.

They also complained that the personnel posted at the Primary Health Centre had abstained from duty for most of the days every week.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 07:18