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Public role very important in curbing menace

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The Times of India                       13.03.2013 

Public role very important in curbing menace

COIMBATORE: While various charges are levelled against the corporation over its haphazard handling of mosquito control activities, the role and participation of the public assumes equal importance. "The corporation has been bearing the brunt of the criticism regarding the mosquito menace, but the public needs to support the civic body in its efforts to curb the menace. Only then can they succeed in eradicating the bugs," said a sanitary inspector. Every time they carry out source reduction activities, they notice the recklessness of the public as they continue to leave grinding stones, tyres and vessels in the open. "They are very quick to transfer the responsibility to us," said the official.

The menace is much worse outside corporation limits as residents continue to inadvertently encourage breeding. It has also been alleged that the public do not allow corporation workers to carry out fogging activities indoors. According to the manual, fogging will be effective only when it is done both outdoors and indoors.

"Mosquito control is a complex issue and active participation of all stakeholders is necessary to move forward," the sanitary inspector said. Wearing protective cloths, using insecticide treated mosquito nets, installing wire mesh on windows and using mosquito repellents are some measures that the public can take to protect themselves. The public can play a major role by keeping water tanks, containers and vessels dry. They must be cleaned at least once a week.

Fogging and source reduction measures are just one part of the mosquito control programme. Only when the public participates responsibly, can the mosquito menace be controlled.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 11:49