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Team of 3 to promote public health in city

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The Hindu              27.04.2013

Team of 3 to promote public health in city

Staff Reporter

To deal with the constant threat of communicable diseases in the city, the Chennai Corporation is likely to designate a dedicated team of officials, who will be responsible for creating awareness on ways to cope with such diseases.

The Corporation Council on Friday passed a resolution seeking government approval to constitute a separate team of three officials to launch awareness campaigns on mosquitoes, rats, malaria, dengue and other mosquito and water-borne diseases.

The team will work towards bringing about a change in the behaviour of residents that contribute to a rise in communicable diseases. These officials will be responsible for explaining to lakhs of residents, about the emerging challenges to public health in the city.

Dissemination of information on problems associated with myths and superstitions among the economically-weaker sections of the society will also be part of the awareness campaign.

Residents will get to know the significance of policy decisions of the government on public health through the team on a regular basis.

The team will also play a role in mobilising commercial entities towards making neighbourhoods safe and healthy.