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Cleaning of drains taken up

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The Hindu                 14.06.2013

Cleaning of drains taken up

TIME TO CLEAN UP:Municipality workers removing silt from a drain at Baloba Nandavanam in Thanjavur on Thursday.— PHOTO: VELANKANNI RAJ
TIME TO CLEAN UP:Municipality workers removing silt from a drain at Baloba Nandavanam in Thanjavur on Thursday.— PHOTO: VELANKANNI RAJ

Cleaning of drainage channels in Thanjavur Municipal area at a cost of Rs. 15 lakh commenced on Thursday.

The work, which started in Shankaranthi Vaikkal and Adamkhan Vaikkal which flow in Balobanandavanam, Vadakkuvasal, and Town Krambai areas, will be completed in 20 days. Savithiri Gopal, Chairperson of Thanjavur Municipality, who supervised the work on Thursday, said the two drainage channels were cleaned up after 10 years.

There was heavy silt formation. This resulted in stagnation of water, mosquito menace, and danger of spread of diseases. These will be fully prevented now and sewage water will flow freely. Flood water during rainy season will drain into Vadavar from these channels.

N. Ravichandran, Municipal Commissioner, and Srinivasan, Executive Engineer, supervised the work.

The Municipal Commissioner said that cleaning of plastics from Grand Anicut canal was taken up recently by the municipal sanitary workers.

Solid waste management was done by collecting solid wastes from house to house and putting up bins at various places. “Our aim is to make Thanjavur a clean and beautiful town,” Mr. Ravichandran said.