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Residents continue to dump garbage outside bins

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The Hindu              24.07.2013

Residents continue to dump garbage outside bins

Of serious concern:Garbage dumped outside bins not only causes sanitation issue but also blocks drains in Alamarathukadu in Salem.— PHOTO: P. GOUTHAM
Of serious concern:Garbage dumped outside bins not only causes sanitation issue but also blocks drains in Alamarathukadu in Salem.— PHOTO: P. GOUTHAM

Despite the Salem Corporation procuring dumper bins at huge cost and placing them in each ward, some residents are least bothered about hygiene in their area and continue to dump garbage outside the bins and along roadsides.

Thus, cows and stray dogs feast on the heaps of garbage causing severe sanitation problem.

Foul smell

The garbage, which varies from household waste, plastic materials, corrugated boxes, coconut shells and other materials, also block the drains and the entire area stinks.

The situation is worse after people burn the dumped garbage around the bins to accommodate more.

Though the civic body claims that garbage is disposed of every day, the residents say that garbage is cleared once in three to five days depending upon the area.

They also complain that some residents dump all kinds of wastes and the delay in clearing garbage results in overflowing.

As bins are not placed in all the areas, the residents continue to dump the wastes at street corners or on vacant lands in most of the wards.

Time consuming

The Corporation officials say that removing the garbage scattered outside the dumper bins consumes time and hence all areas could not be covered as planned.

They told the residents not to dump building debris and branches of trees in the bins.

Corporation officials tell residents not to dump building debris and branches of trees in bins.