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Corporation’s medical camp draws crowd

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The Hindu            13.11.2013

Corporation’s medical camp draws crowd

Special Correspondent

Students taking out an awareness rally at Melapalayam in Tirunelveli on Tuesday

A large number of residents of Melapalayam, mostly from the economically weaker section, participated in a free medical camp organised by the Corporation at Aamnipuram here on Tuesday.

Having witnessed dengue outbreak during the northeast monsoon season last year, Tirunelveli Corporation had planned to organise eight free medical camps across the city this time to check the possible outbreak of any disease. When the first medical camp of this series was organised on Tuesday, residents of Melapalayam, known for its poor infrastructure facilities, participated in the camp to be screened by a team of doctors for a range of ailments.

‘Nilavembu’ concoction that provided much relief to patients suffering from dengue, chikungunya and viral fever last yearwas given to those who came to the camp.

To create public awareness a rally was organised by over 500 schoolchildren, who distributed pamphlets to the public.